I am always looking for bright and motivated students to conduct research with me. I do my best to fund the cream of the crop as graduate research assistants (GRA). Research projects, including those that are funded, are sometimes with colleagues and collaborators within Ohio State or elsewhere. As such, the Energy Sustainability Research Laboratory gratefully acknowledges the financial support that makes our research, education, and outreach possible:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Drivers of Environmental Impacts of Energy Transitions on Underserved Communities
- “Facilitating Local Electrified Energy and Transportation Services for All (FLEETS for All).” 84055501.
2023-2026. PI with Daniel B. Gingerich (co-PI), Darryl B. Hood (co-PI), Jeffrey B. Jacquet (co-PI), Huyen Le (co-PI), and Andy A. May (co-PI). $1,120,314 ($376,086).
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation:
Net-Zero and Negative Emissions Technologies
- “CO2 Utilization for Geothermal Energy Production and Renewable Energy Storage.” Grant No. 2020–12,466. 2020-2024. Co-PI with Brian Ellis (PI, University of Michigan) and Jeremiah Johnson (co-PI, North Carolina State University). $187,000 of $613,000.
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF):
National Research Traineeship Program (ExLenT)
- “Beginnings: Bridging Academic Training Through Experiential Research and Innovation (BATTERI).” 2347027. 2024 – 2027. co-PI with Jay Sayre (PI), Matthew Mayhew (co-PI), Caroline Crisafulli (Co-PI), and Lenroy Jones (Co-PI). $999,887.
National Research Traineeship Program (NRT)
- “NRT-HDR: Convergent Graduate Training and EmPOWERment for a Sustainable Energy Future.” 1922666. 2019-2024. PI (2022- 2024) Co-PI (2019-2022) with Ramteen Sioshansi (PI 2019-2022), Elena Irwin (co-PI), Matthew Mayhew (co-PI), Rajiv Ramnath (co-PI). $2,980,383.
Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, NIFA)
- “Impacts of Deglobalization on the Sustainability of Regional Food, Energy, Water Systems.” 1739909. 2017-2023. Co PI with Elena Irwin (PI),Bhavik Bakshi, Yongyang Cai (co-PI), Douglas Jackson-Smith, Jay Martin (co-PI), Alan Randall, Ian Sheldon, Robyn Wilson (co-PI). $2,431,000.
Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
- “UNS: Collaborative Research: Measurement and Modeling of the Pathways of Potential Fugitive Methane Emissions During Hydrofracking.” 1508994. 2015-2019. Co-PI (at OSU) with Gil Bohrer (PI), and Dartmouth University. $175,812.
SedHeat Research Coordination Network
- “Incubator Workshop: Energy Storage in Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Resources.” SedHeat RCN coordinated by Texas Christian University. 2016. With Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: $22,960.
Sustainable Energy Pathways Program (SEP):
- “A Novel Method Using Carbon Dioxide and Geothermal Resources for Sustainable Energy Production and Storage.” 1230691. 2012-2017. With the University of Minnesota Martin O. Saar (PI), Steven J. Taff (co-PI), and Thomas Keuhn (co-PI): $585,514 of $1,900,000.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Fossil Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratory:
- “Concentrating Rare Earth Elements in Acid Mine Drainage using Coal Combustion By-Products,” DE-FE-0001718. 2018-2019. with Chin-Min (Jason) Cheng (PI), Tarunjit Butalia (co-PI), and John Lenhart (co-PI). $545,952 (including $145,985 cost share).
- “Utica Shale Energy and Environmental Laboratory (USEEL)“, DE-FE-0024357. 2014-2019. With West Virginia University, Houston Advanced Research Center, CSI Technologies, General Synfuels International, Texas A&M University, University of Texas, Ohio Geological Survey. $9,864,083 (including $2,257,619 cost share).
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Geothermal Technology Office:
- “Hydrogeologic Windows: Regional Signature Detection for Traditional and Blind Geothermal Play Fairways.” DE-FOA-0000841. 2014-2015. With Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Southern Methodist University, and Witcher and Associates: $39,511 (+ $16,525 OSU Cost Share) of $444,444.
- “Active Management of Integrated Geothermal-CO2 Storage Reservoirs in Sedimentary Formations: An Approach to Improve Energy Recovery and Mitigate Risk,” DE-FOA-0000336. 2013-2014. With Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. $33,000 of via cost share from Ormat Technologies.
U.S. Geologic Survey:
Ohio Water Resources Center / Ohio State University Office of Energy and Environment:
- “Co-Optimizing Enhanced Water Recovery and CO2 Sequestration in Ohio.” 2016-2017. $27,305.
- “Developing Integrated Assessment of Water and Energy in Ohio.” 2015-2016. $37,723.
Ohio Coal Development Office
- “Mineralizing Carbon Dioxide using Stabilized Flue Gas Desulfurization Material in the Presence of Acid Mine Drainage.” ODSA D-17-14. With Chin-Min (Jason) Cheng (PI), and Tarunjit Butalia (co-PI). 2017-2019. $249,913.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency:
- “Collecting Water Rate Data in Ohio.” 2023-2024. PI: Daniel B. Gingerich. Co-PI: Bielicki, J. $18,308 ($0)
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society:
- Grant in Aid of Research. December 2015. $1000 to Iti Patel.
Ohio State University:
Office of Research, Presidential Research Excellence (PRE):
- “Pathways for the Hydrogen Economy to Enhance Sustainability.” 2023-2024. PI: Bielicki, J. Co-PIs: Carlarne, C., Gingerich, D., Jacquet, J., Leveni, M., Turro, C., Zhai, S. Total: $200,000. ($40,000).
Discovery Themes:
- “Earth Services: Full Accounting of the Benefits that Humans Derive from the Planet.” Sustainable and Resilient Economy Seed Grant. 2016-2017. $29,319.
- “Energy Transitions and Bridges: Does What We Emphasize Take Us Where We Want to Be?” Sustainable and Resilient Economy Seed Grant. 2016-2018. $37,099.
Subsurface Energy Resources Center (SERC)
- “Engineering the Subsurface to Seasonally Store Energy While Sequestering CO2” SERC Seed Grant. 2018-2019. $16,000.
- “Community Perceptions of and Resilience to Shale Energy Development in Eastern Ohio.” SERC Seed Grant. 2016-2017. $5,619.
Office of Energy and Environment:
- Travel grant to present at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting. December 2016. $500 to Jonathan Ogland-Hand
- Travel grant to present at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting. December 2016. $500 to Yaoping Wang
- Travel grant to present at CO2 Summit II: Technologies and Opportunities. April 2016. $500 to Jonathan Ogland-Hand.
- Travel grant to present at CO2 Summit II: Technologies and Opportunities. April 2016. $500 to Kelsey Hunter.
- Travel grant to present at the American Geophysical Union fall meeting. December 2015. $500 to Iti Patel
- Travel grant for summer research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Summer 2015. $500 to Jonathan Ogland-Hand
- Travel grant for summer research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Summer 2015. $500 to Iti Patel
- “Update the Definition of Heating and Cooling Degree Days for Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Energy Systems.” Sustainability Research Grant. 2014-2015. $2,500 to Yaoping Wang
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering:
- Redford-Merry travel grant to present at CO2 Summit II: Technologies and Opportunities. April 2016. $500 to Kelsey Hunter.
Environmental Science Graduate Program:
- Travel grant to present at CO2 Summit II: Technologies and Opportunities. April 2016. $500 to Jonathan Ogland-Hand.
International Social Science Council:
Transformations to Sustainability:
- “The Politics of Global Energy Transformations.” 2015. Core Partner.
University of Minnesota:
Office of the Vice President of Research:
- “Defining and Mitigating the Environmental and Health Risks of Hydraulic Fracturing,” 2012-2014. $41,667 of $250,000.