Hang Deng

Hometown: Chongqing, ChinaDeng


Bachelor of Science (Geography), and Bachelor of Arts (Economics), Peking University (2005-2009)

PhD (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Princeton University (2009 – 2015)


Department of Energy Postgraduate Research Program at the National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV (summer, 2013)

Research Interests:

My research focuses on water-rock interactions in fractured porous media, and the resulting temporal evolution of fracture geometry and hydrodynamic properties.  The experimental component of my research includes core-flooding experiments, and investigations of rock mineralogy, fluid composition and fracture geometry using microscopic tools (such as SEM and XRD), computed tomography and ICP-OES.  I also conduct fluid simulations and reactive transport modeling to interpret the experimental results and to explore broader parameter spaces.  My research has implications to several subsurface practices, such as carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and hydraulic fracturing.

I am also interested in understanding the roles of carbon mitigation technologies, CCS in particular, in our energy system, and the impacts of different energy polices. One of my current research projects aims to examine the policy implications of monetized leakage risks from CO2 geologic storage, by coupling the geospatial variability of leakage risk and its financial consequences with Integrated Assessment Model (IAM).


PEI-STEP fellowship, Princeton University 2012

Other interests:

Many or None

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