
BEAL Forum 6 is Free and Open to the Public, but Registration is Required.

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BEAL Forum logo - 500x500BEAL Forum 6 – Program Schedule

Date: Friday, 18 October 2024 – Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
CarmenZoom Meeting

Note on Zoom Meeting Rooms:

  • Plenary Sessions (1, 2, 3), and welcoming and closing remarks are all in the Zoom meeting’s Main Room.
  • Parallel Sessions (A, B): The two sets of Parallel Sessions — one set in the morning and one set in the afternoon — are in two breakout rooms (Breakout Rooms 1 & 2) in the Zoom meeting.

~~   BEALF-6 Program Book (pdf file, 2.3 MB) ~~



8:45 – 9:00 a.m. EDT. Welcome & Opening Remarks (Main Room)
          Ai-Ling Lu, GREALL President, OSU
          Professor Mark Bender, Chair, Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU

9:00 – 10:20 a.m. Plenary Session 1 (Main Room)
          Chair: Professor Mineharu (“JJ”) Nakayama (OSU)
          Timekeeper: Yan Li
Speaker: Professor Momoko Nakamura (Kanto Gakuin University)
Lecture Title: “Inter-indexical Gender in Japanese Translation” (Abstract & short bio)

10:20 – 10:25 a.m. Break

10:25 – 11:45 a.m. Parallel Session A (Breakout Rooms 1 & 2)
(Sessions A-1 & A-2 See details below on the two parallel session presentations.)

11:45 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break

1:00 – 2:20 p.m. Plenary Session 2 (Main Room)
          Chair: Professor Marjorie Chan (OSU)
          Timekeeper: Yan Li
Speaker: Professor Sun-Hee Lee (Wellesley College)
Lecture Title: “Unpacking the Building Blocks: A Corpus-Based Exploration of Korean Lexical Bundles (Abstract & short bio)

2:20 – 2:25 p.m. Break

2:25 – 3:25 p.m. Parallel Session B (Breakout Rooms 1 & 2)
   (Sessions B-1 & B-2 See details below on the two parallel session presentations.)

3:25 – 3:30 p.m. Break

3:30 – 4:50 p.m. Plenary Session 3 (Main Room)
          Chair: Professor Zhiguo Xie (OSU)
          Timekeeper: Yuyang Han
Speaker: Professor Qianping Gu (Southeast University, Nanjing)
Lecture Title: “Telicization of Resultative Morphemes in Mandarin Chinese” (Abstract & short bio)

4:50 – 5:00 p.m. Closing Remarks (Main Room)
          Paul Ueda, GACL President, OSU (on behalf of the BEAL Forum 6 Organizing Committee)

Parallel Session A. 10:25 – 11:45 a.m.

(20 minutes x 4 talks x 2 breakout rooms)

Session A-1  (Breakout Room 1)
Chair: Paul Ueda (OSU)
Timekeeper: Savanna Eggens
Commentator: Prof. Qianping Gu (OSU/Southeast U.)

10:25 a.m. Ka Hin Ng (Chinese U. of Hong Kong)
“On Rhetorically-flavoured Sentences: A Case Study of Cantonese”

10:45 a.m. Yunqi He, Aijun Huang, Likan Zhan, & Fuyun Wu (Shanghai International Studies U., Shanghai Jiao Tong U., & Beijing Language and Culture U.)
“The Acquisition of the Quantification Function of Chinese Classifiers: An Eye-Tracking Study of Young Mandarin Children”

11:05 a.m. Adæmrys Chihjen Cheng (U. of Ottawa)
“What are Localizers in Taiwanese? A Semantic Point of View”

11:25 a.m. Liumao Zhong (Stony Brook U.)
“Unaccusatives with Double Themes: Late Assignment of Theta Role”

Session A-2  (Breakout Room 2)
Chair: Ka Fai Law (OSU)
Timekeeper: Xuan Ye
Commentator: Prof. Fang-yi Chao (U. of North Carolina)

10:25 a.m. Yu Tazaki (Ohio U./Nanzan U.)
“Lexical-Semantic Approach to Unaccusative Mismatch in Japanese”

10:45 a.m. Marc Yi Fei Yeo (National U. of Singapore/National Institute of Education)
“North Korean Words in English – Present and Future”

11:05 a.m. Yuika Inami (OSU)
“Syntax of Japanese Slang NAU”

11:25 a.m. Yuyang Han (OSU)
“Exploring Sentence Structure, Rhythm, and Storytelling in Dialectal Writing: A Case Study of the Shanghai Dialect Novel Fanhua 繁花”

Parallel Session B. 2:25 – 3:25 p.m.

(20 minutes x 3 talks x 2 Zoom breakout rooms)

Session B-1  (Breakout Room 1)
Chair: Saori Wakita (OSU)
Timekeeper: Yuyang Han
Commentator: Prof. Sun Hee Lee (Wellesley U.)

2:25 p.m. Xiaolin Niu (U. of Washington)
“Analysis of Partial Success and Filed Attempts in Mandarin Change-of-State”

2:45 p.m. Eunjin Lee (U. of Utah)
“English Listeners’ Perception of Korean Laryngeal Contrasts Among Word-initial Stops and Talker Variability”

3:05 p.m. Rina Minyoung Oh (U. of Hawaii, Manoa)
“Constructing Solidarity in an L1-L2 Korean Conversation Group”

Session B-2  (Breakout Room 2)
Chair: Xuan Ye (Indiana U. Bloomington)
Timekeeper: Siyuan Dong
Commentator: Prof. Akiko Kashiwagi (Oakland U.)

2:25 p.m. Ka Fai Law (OSU)
“Establishing a Unique Artist Identity in the Entertainment Industry: A Case Study of a Japanese Female Singer”

2:45 p.m. Paul Ueda (OSU)
“Taigi Writing and Mandarin Influence”

3:05 p.m. Yuki Hattori (OSU)
“L2 Working Memory and Speech Generation – Does Response Time Matter?”


BEAL Forum 6 Organizing Committee
Faculty Co-Chairs: Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan, and Zhiguo Xie
Graduate Student Co-Chairs: Paul Ueda, Ka Fai Law, Yuki Hattori & Saori Wakita
Committee Members:  Xuan Ye (alumna), Ai-Ling Lu, Jinwei Ye, Wei William Zhou, Siyuan Dong, Yuyang Han, Savanna Eggens, Yan Li, and Linjun Yao

Abstract Reviewers (invited speakers, alumni, and current Buckeyes): Qianping Gu, Sun Hee Lee, Hana Kang, Seojin Yang, Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie Chan, Zhiguo Xie, Danielle Pyun, Siyuan Dong, Yuyang Han, Yuki Hattori, Yuika Inami, Ka Fai Law, Paul Ueda, Saori Wakita, and Wei William Zhou


East Asian Studies Center, Graduate Association of Chinese Linguistics (GACL), Graduate Students of East Asian Languages and Literatures (GREALL), Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (DEALL), Department of Linguistics, and the Buckeye Language Network (BLN).

This event is sponsored in part by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant for The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center, programming fund for GACL from the Council on Student Affairs, and by the James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund.