
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

20. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (forthcoming). Theory-research connections in grandparent studies: Using life course perspective to expand theory.

19. Kirby-Wilkins, J., Bates, J. S., Betz, M., Civittolo, D., Fox, J., Jones, L., Porfeli, E., Powers-Barker, P., Reister, H., Remley, D., & Wapner, A. (submitted, June 2021). The state of Ohio families: Challenges and promises.  Marriage and Family Review.

18. Bates, J. S. (2020).  Navigating the coronavirus pandemic: Advice for grandparents from grandparents.  Journal of Extension [Online], 58(6), Article 6RB3. Available at:

17. Bates, J. S., Yelland, E. L., & Benson, J. J. (2020).  Creating a place for aging in the Cooperative Extension Service.  Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 8(2), 260-261. Available at:

16. Bates, J. S., Benson, J. J., & Yelland, E. L. (2020).  Forming a multistate network: From passion and coincidence to vision and sustainability.  Journal of Extension [Online], 58(1), Article 1IW1. Available at:

15. Yelland, E. L., & Bates, J. S. (2019).  Translating policy, systems, and environmental change for use in the family context.  Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 7(1), 212-213.  Available at:

14. Bates, J. S., & Yelland, E. L. (2018).  Family rules, family relationships, and the home: Reconceptualizing policy, systems, and environmental change in the family context.  Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 13, 112-125.  Available at:

13. Bates, J. S. (2018).  Grillin’ with My Grandchild©:  Multigenerational programming for grandfathers and grandchildren.  Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 16(3), 339-345. DOI: 10.1080/15350770.2018.1477437

12. Bates, J. S., Taylor, A. C., & Stanfield, M. H. (2018).  Variations in grandfathering: Characteristics of involved, passive, and disengaged grandfathers. Contemporary Social Science, 13(2), 187-202. DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2018.1433868

11. Bates, J.S., Wilkinson, D.L., McCartan, J.P., Remley, D., Light, M., Crawford, D., & Dellifield, J. (2017). Strengthening families through a re-envisioned approach to fatherhood education. Journal of Extension [Online], 55(2), Article 2IAW2. Available at:

10. Bates, J. S. (2016). What’s Ketso?: A tool for researchers, educators, and practitioners. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 4(2), 167.

9. Bates, J. S., Loy, P. W. (2016). Windfall wealth and shale development in Appalachian Ohio: Preliminary results. Journal of Extension [Online], 54(6) Article 6RIB9.  Available at:

8. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (2016).  Positive affect and depressive symptoms:  Does grandfather involvement matter?  Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 14(2), 93-103. doi=10.1080/15350770.2016.1160730

7. Bates, J. S. (2016). Ketso: A new tool for Extension professionals. Journal of Extension [Online], 54(1) Article 1TOT6. Available at:

6. Taylor, A. C., & Bates, J. S. (2014). Activities that strengthen relational bonds between Latter-day Saint grandfathers and their adult grandchildren. Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging, 26, 41-64.

5. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (2013). Grandfather involvement: Contact frequency, participation in activities, and commitment. Journal of Men’s Studies, 21, 305-322.

4. Bates, J. S., & Goodsell, T. L. (2013). Male kin relationships: Grandpas, grandsons, and generativity. Marriage & Family Review, 49, 26-50.

3. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (2012). Grandfather involvement and aging men’s mental health. American Journal of Men’s Health, 6, 229-239.

2. Goodsell, T. L., Bates, J. S., & Behnke, A. O. (2011). Fatherhood stories: Grandparents, grandchildren, and gender. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28, 134-154.

1. Bates, J. S. (2009). Generative grandfathering: A conceptual framework for nurturing grandchildren. Marriage & Family Review, 45, 331-352.

Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries

  1. Bates, J. S., Taylor, A. C., & Stanfield, M. H. (2018).  Variations in grandfathering: Characteristics of involved, passive, and disengaged grandfathers. In A. Buchanan & A. Rotkirch (Eds.), The role of grandparents in the 21st Century: Global perspectives on changing roles and consequences (1st ed., pp.). New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.  [published first as an article, see above]
  2. Taylor, A. C., Baugh, E., & Bates, J. S. (2016). Grandparents raising grandchildren. In C. Shehan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Sage.
  3. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (2016). Grandparent-grandchild relationships. In C. Shehan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Sage.
  4. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (2012). Taking stock of theory in grandparent studies. In M. A. Fine & F. D. Fincham (Eds.), Handbook of family theories: A content-based approach (pp.51-70). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. [Published December 6, 2012, Book copyrighted 2013]

Family Life Education Publications, Electronic Publications, and Print Media

  1. Bates, J. S. (2014, Jan-Mar, Winter edition). Cloverbuds and their grandparents: Bringing the generations together. Cloverbud Connections Newsletter. [Editor-reviewed] Retrieved January 8, 2014 from
  2. Bates, J. S. (2013, December). Sharing traditions at holiday gatherings: Grandkids, grandparents, and everyone in between. [Peer-reviewed] Article published on OSUE FCS Live Healthy, Live Well blog at Retrieved January 2014.
  3. Bates, J. S. (2012, December 21). Talking to your children about violence and tragedy. [Peer-reviewed] Article published on OSUE FCS Eat, Save, and Be Healthy blog at Retrieved January 2013.
  4. Bates, J. S. (2012, October). Families and the 2012 drought. Article published on OSUE Ohio Ag Manager, available online at Retrieved December 2012. [Editor-reviewed]
  5. Bates, J. S. (2012, September). Families deal with the 2012 drought. Resource guide available online at Retrieved December 2012.
  6. Bates, J. S., & FCS colleagues (2012, September). Families managing the drought of 2012. [Bookmark] Distributed at Farm Science Review, Archbold, Ohio USDA meeting, OAEP Annual Conference.
  7. Bates, J. S. (2011, October). Do grandfathers matter? Mine did. Published on NCFR Members’ Stories website at
  8. Bates, J. S. (2007, November). Grandparents can play a vital role in children’s lives. Family Times, Syracuse, NY.

Published Abstracts

  1. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (2015). Testing a process model of the determinants of grandfathering. 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology: Program and Abstracts. Braga, Portugal. Retrieved from
  2. Bates, J. S., White, A., Mathews, D., Colby, S., Franzen-Castle, L., Kattelmann, K., & Olfert, M. (2014).  Coming together: Family relationships and healthy food preparation.  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(4S), 184. Published at
  3. Bates, J. S. (2009). Generative grandfathering, commitment, and contact: How grandfathers nurture relationships with grandchildren and the relational and mental health benefits for aging men. [Dissertation]
  4. Bates, J. S., & Taylor, A. C. (2008, October). Grandfathering styles: A typology of how grandfathers nurture grandchildren. The Gerontologist, 48, 613. Abstract published at the following URL:
  5. Taylor, A. C. & Bates, J. S. (2008, October). Grandfather involvement and relationship quality within grandfather-grandchild relationships. The Gerontologist, 48, 560-561. Abstract published at the following URL:

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