Tree of Hope mural

The service event I attended was the Tree of Hope mural painting for the Community Refugee and Immigration Services on Sunday, December 2nd.

When we arrived at the school for the service project, a large portion of the mural had already been painted and filled in so by the end we were able to see the near end result. At first glance, I was not entirely sure what the mural was supposed to be but as we began painting the rest, the image really began to take shape. It depicted a heartwarming tale of many cultures coming together right here in Columbus. Not only was it a representation of the students who attended school at CGA but it represented how these student’s stories converged here in America. No matter what these kids had gone through in their home countries or the struggles their parents faced, they were able to find a home through CRIS and begin to start a new life. I think this mural is just a piece of this fresh start for these kids. Being able to walk from one class to the next and be reminded of their culture, will have an impact on their day to day lives. Not only do they get to have a small memory of home right there in the hallway, but they are able to witness some parts of their friends and fellow student’s culture as well. This encourages the exchange and enrichment of new stories and ideas.

When Jermey and the artists were explaining the main idea behind the mural, I was very moved by their motivation to make even the smallest impact on these refugees’ and immigrant’s lives. I think it’s easy to forget just how hard it is for these kids to be where they are now. So to think about the constant struggles they face everyday of adjusting to their new lives and on top of that experiencing the difficulties of middle school that every teenage faces, it’s difficult for me to imagine being in their shoes. Something as small as a painting may not seem to have that large of an impact but to me, it represents something far greater. The whole goal of this school is to help these kids assimilate easier into a life where everything is new and this mural can only benefit them.

This topic relates to one of my history classes that studies the childhood of children all over the world, especially immigrant children who have come to America with their parents who are searching for a better life. Many of these kids in history ended below the poverty line and without proper schooling due to a lack of resources and opportunity. This is why I believe this school and CRIS as a whole is so important. These kids only need to be given a chance in order to succeed and CRIS is helping them accomplish their goals, firsthand. Overall, this experience was beneficial for me because I was able to learn more about the Columbus Global Academy’s mission and how I can contribute to further enriching these kid’s lives.

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