Harvard Law School with Sam Harris

I attended my former Resident Advisor and former IA executive member, Sam Harris’ event concerning her experiences as both a law school applicant as well as a 1st year law student. This event was on January 16th at Hagerty Hall 180 and counts for my academic requirement. 


As most of International Affairs knows, Sam is currently at Harvard University for Law school and the event was centered around her experiences. I am considering going to law school so I was very excited to hear about this opportunity as I will take any advice I can get. I am having some difficulty researching law schools and their requirements as most schools are not super transparent about the process, especially when it comes to the LSAT. Sam helped to clear up some of my confusion and was able to shed some light on the application and interview process as a whole. Prior to this event, I wasn’t aware of just how important it will be to be a very well-rounded candidate when applying to law school. 


Although hearing from Sam was intimidating, she also provided some reassurance, especially since she is a law student right now. I was worried she would tell me that she regrets her decision to become a lawyer but instead she said although it can be scary at times, it is certainly a manageable experience. Sam also discussed the importance of mental health while she is at Harvard and how she manages to stay afloat. This is particularly pertinent on a college campus as mental health is a constant struggle for many students, especially as important life decisions, such as law school, as they near closer. Sam remains sane because of her dog Hugo’s constant love and company. 


As I would eventually like to end up in the public sector either working for the government or as a civil rights defender, a law degree will be necessary in order to defend people’s civil rights. My eventual dream would be to work or intern for the state department so it is very crucial that I apply myself properly during my undergraduate career so I can be successful and be accepted into a competitive law program. Being involved on campus will play a key role in making me stand out as a holistic candidate. 


There are still so many questions I have concerning a future potential career with the law considering everyone I have spoken to has a different take on the profession. Many attorneys have told me that law school was an invaluable experience while others have said it was their biggest regret. With so many conflicting opinions, it’s different to form my own. Luckily, I have a lot more time to make up my mind and decide if this path is really right for me. Sam’s advice on this front proved invaluable and I will definitely take what I learned from her and use it when I begin applying. 

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