IA mini-involvement fair

The event I attended was the mini international affairs involvement fair on September 11th.

I found the International Affairs mini- involvement fair to be both informative and representative of the many clubs on campus. I was very glad I decided to attend because it is difficult to find which clubs I’m really interested in the start of the year involvement fair, since it is quite overwhelming. There are so many options that it is hard to get a real grasp on which club may actually suit me in the long run. I was pleased to find out that there would be an opportunity to explore more of the clubs that may have interested me before but that I didn’t get a chance to visit. I was excited to be able to speak to club representatives/members one on one.

One club I found super interesting that seemed to have a large impact on campus was the Fashion Production Association. Their main goal is to provide students a platform to show their abilities and talents while having a creative outlet at the same time. Each year, the members split into groups and come up with a theme for the fashion show they put on at the end of the year. I found their mission to be particularly impactful because this year, the theme of the fashion show is to showcase a different social issue that is pertinent right now. After selecting a theme, they must find models and the designer has to craft an outfit to showcase their selection. I thought this was a unique and fun way to spread awareness about important issues while gaining professional skills and time management as well.

Another club I am interested in joining is the Collegiate Council on World Affairs (CCWA). Many people I know in International Affairs scholars are participants of this club and after speaking with their president, I can see why. Their impact on the Ohio State community and other communities is broad. They hold a sort of mock United Nations where they are able to tackle world issues while representing a nation. It is both an academic club, as well as a social club. I am planning on attending a meeting in order to get a better grasp on what they are all about and I am looking forward to the opportunity to broaden my knowledge on international affairs. I am glad I attended this event and plan on expanding my current involvement at Ohio State in order to more fully immerse myself in topics I am unfamiliar with. I think these clubs will offer me more opportunities to have a even more meaningful experience on campus and to continue to grow.