- Team meeting 1: Establish Communication, Brainstorm
- The objective of team meeting 1 was to familiarize ourselves with the AEV Project, brainstorm features to test, and establish communication.
- Update Website (Jenna)
- Update Contact information (all)
- Create a group chat for team N – initiated by Noel
- This group chat will allow for easy communication among members.
- Establish R&D rolls
- R&D
- Programming (Noel, Jenna)
- Noel and Jenna were assigned with programming because they feel more competent with the programming software.
- Sensors (Ally, Nikhil)
- Programming (Noel, Jenna)
- Team C created Baker International website. Jenna updated team N’s pages – established contact information page and team notes page. Noel established communication & drafted team meeting 1 notes.
Upcoming Tasks:
Coming up, the team needs to work to design a model for the AEV vehicle and plan of action. Sketches of individual designs will be compared among members. The entire group will compare ideas for which designs will be most efficient for the design of the vehicle.
The AEV vehicle will be in the design and build process. This will be accomplished by all group members, specifically Ally and Nikhil working on building while Jenna and Noel work on programming.
- pR&D Labs 4 and 5 completion
- assign roles for Progress Report
- The objective of team meeting two was to finish gathering the plots for Lab 4.
- Finish Concept Screening and Scoring excel sheet
- Select a topic of research for the upcoming aR&D labs
- Sync AEV with the EEPROM data
- Run AEV along track to gather Power v. Time and Power v. Distance plots
- Save and upload the plots onto the AEV Baker International Group Team N website
- Establish ratings to designs of each team members AEV design proposal
- Establish Progress Report roles
- The group will conduct research on the arrangement of the propellers on the AEV’s body.
- The vehicle was run on the track and the graphical data was collected and recorded
- Group came to a consensus about the research topic
Upcoming Tasks:
Conduct research on propeller configuration and design different configurations to test on the track.
- Grant Proposal
- Committee meetings
- Propeller configuration decisions
- To share the aerodynamic shield part with the class to potentially receive a grant to fun the part
- Discuss progress with the administrative staff
- Deal with issues regarding the malfunctioning of the AEV during runs
- Present the grant proposal to the class
- Vote for which designed parts deserve the grant
- Meet individually in human relations, research and design, and public relations committees
- Noel – Grant proposal presenter
- Ally – Human relations
- Nikhil – Public relations
- Jenna / Noel – R&D
- Run the AEV on the track to figure out why it is not stopping at the position indicated in the code
- The progress in relation to PR, HR is on board
- There are concerns in regard to R&D due to the malfunctioning in the position and run time
- The AEV was running in the negative direction, not allowing for the position to be met
- After this discovery, the AEV began to run in the correct direction and switch directions at the designated position
- The AEV was running in the negative direction, not allowing for the position to be met
Upcoming Tasks:
Finalize research on propeller configuration and come to a final decision about which design will be implemented into the design.
- Advanced research topic number 2
- Upcoming progress report
- Upcoming website update
- Discuss roles for the oral presentation
- Chose a topic to research for aR&D 2
- Servo Testing
- Design an experiment to implement the servo motor into the AEV’s design
- Compare the efficiency of the AEV with the servo motor to the efficiency of the AEV without
- Figure out which position on the AEV would be ideal to place the servo motor
- Secure the servo motor to the AEV
- Follow the coasting vs. power braking procedure, featuring the servo motor
- Run the AEV on the track and collect data
- After the conclusion of the propeller configuration research, the propellers implemented in the original design will remain the same. There was no research gathered to support changing the propeller positions.
- The group will research the different implementations of the Servo and how it can be utilized to benefit the AEV the most.
- More research must be conducted to come to a final decision in regard to whether the Servo motor will be integrated into the final design.
Upcoming Tasks:
Coming up the, team will update the website and insure everything is finalized for Website Update #3. The team will prepare an oral presentation to present during the next lab period.
The team will continue to conduct testing on the servo motor to determine if and how the part will be implemented into the final design.
- Advanced research topic number 2
- Complete procedure for servo testing research
- Finalize whether or not the servo motor will be integrated into the final design
- Secure the servo to the AEV so it will effectively stop one of the wheels from turning when coded to do so
- Take data on the distance the AEV travelled when coasting and with the servo, and compare the data
- After collecting data on coasting versus use of the servo, it was decided that the use of the servo would be more effective when reversing or stopping the AEV
- While deciding how to attach the servo to the AEV, it became difficult to have it both be sturdy and touch the wheel to stop its movement
- In the future it could be beneficial to looking into more ways to stop the AEV while using the servo, such as the servo making contact with the track or the servo turning at a different angle (more or less pressure)
Upcoming Tasks:
The group will complete website update #3 and present their oral presentation to the class in the upcoming lab.
- Oral Presentation
- Upcoming Plans
- Progress Report 2
- Present Oral Presentation to classmates
- Assign roles for upcoming progress report
- Discuss plans for coming weeks in regard to finalizing plans for AEV
- Present aR&D results drawn about propeller configuration and servo motor
- Break up roles for progress report based on what team members did well on the previous progress report as well as what team members have been working on individually in previous weeks
- Progress report
- Jenna and Noel will split up the Results and Analysis
- Ally will complete forwards looking plan as well as meeting notes
- Nihkil will complete Backwards looking plan as well as put together the appendix
- Oral presentation was give to class successfully
Upcoming Tasks:
- Team will begin to work on preparing for the performance tests
- Team will make final conclusions about the design of the AEV based on aR&D results
- First day of performance testing
- Make a plan and assign roles for upcoming performance tests and deliverables
- Draft two designs to compare during performance tests
- Design a procedure to execute performance tests
- Assign individual roles to be performed over the next lab times to complete performance tests
- Team designed to AEV configurations to test
- configuration one: current design derived from aR&D
- configuration two: vertical configuration derived from configuration one; manipulates main body rotating 90°
- Designs will be constructed and run on track
- code will be perfected to ensure precision and accuracy – directed by Noel
Upcoming Tasks:
- Run procedure
- Make changes to code
- Test two designs to determine efficiency
- Prepare for performance tests 1 and 2
- Build vertical configuration
- Run vertical configuration on track and gather energy information
- Ensure code is precise and accurate before demonstrating AEV performance to supervisors
- Run a series of tests on each configuration to determine which design is more efficient
- Run horizontal configuration on track a series of times to test precision and accuracy of position
- manipulate code to ensure the AEV stops where intended
- rerun this code to ensure precise
- Vertical configuration was run and data was collected
- deemed less efficient than the horizontal configuration that has been the main design throughout development
- AEV plans continue to move forward with horizontal configuration
- Code changes were made and final code for performance test decided
Upcoming Tasks:
- Demonstrate performance tests 1 and 2
- CDR Draft
- Work on completing CDR draft (due March 25)
- Team members work on individual responsibilities covered in CDR Draft
- Jenna – Executive Summary / Cover Page
- Noel – Results
- Nihkil – Discussion
- Ally – Conclusions / Appendix
- CDR is nearing completion
- final touches to be made over weekend to ensure deadline is met
Upcoming Tasks:
- Finalize CDR Draft and submit
- Performance test 3
- Caboose mechanism
- The push pull configuration of the propellers presents an issue when factoring in the cart that needs to be picked up by the AEV
- Rework the design of the AEV to account for this issue
- Brainstorm different ways in which to build around the propellers or change the propellers to accommodate the cart
- Ensure the magnets on the cart and the AEV align properly
- Idea for adding an magnetic arm around the propeller to pick up caboose
- arm design needs to be drafted to ensure optimal function and efficiency
Upcoming Tasks:
- Finalize designs for arm
- Assemble arm and test it’s functionality and effects on efficiency
- Committee Meeting 2
- Progress Report 3
- Meet individually in human relations, research and design, and public relations committees
- Noel – Grant proposal presenter
- Ally – Human relations
- Nikhil – Public relations
- Jenna / Noel – R&D
- Assign roles for Progress Report 3
- The progress in relation to PR, HR, and R&D is on board
- Progress report 3 preparations underway
- Progress Report individual responsibilities
- Jenna and Noel will split up the Results and Analysis
- Ally will complete forwards looking plan as well as meeting notes
- Nihkil will complete Backwards looking plan as well as put together the appendix
Upcoming Tasks:
- Progress report
- Continue refinements for Final Performance Tests
- Final performance test
- Test newly assembled arm for caboose attachment
- Run AEV with new feature on track series of times to ensure the code is perfected and the AEV meets requirements with each run
- Make changes to arm and/or code to optimize AEV performance and precision
- AEV is running precisely for majority of runs
- Final performance test preparations are nearing completion
Upcoming Tasks:
- Final performance test
- Complete Progress Report 3
- Oral presentation draft
- Divide up roles for oral presentation and draft power point slides
- Complete filling out slides on Microsoft office online and submit them on carmen for review
- Each member is assigned specific portion of the oral presentation to draft the slides and present to class
Upcoming Tasks:
- Final performance test
- Complete final testing
- Have TA monitor run on track and collect stats
- Running into issues with energy consumption and arm to pick up caboose
- arm blocking propeller so the power needs to be upped to meet the position and time requirements
- adding to budget
- arm blocking propeller so the power needs to be upped to meet the position and time requirements
- Figure out solution to energy, power, and budget issues and finalize test run
- The servo would not function on way back because power was too high
- power adjustments made
- final performance test finished, graphs collected
Upcoming Tasks:
- Turn in AEV
- Oral presentation
- Oral presentation
- Present Oral Presentation to GTA at 5:15 in Hitchcock because Noel will be out of town the rest of the week
- Disassemble AEV and turn in in class
- ensure all components are returned
- Review responsibilities for oral presentation in class
- Present oral presentation during later meeting
Upcoming Tasks:
- Submit CDR