Hello world!

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3 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. The first event I attended was the racial inequity of COVID-19. The event was held on September 8th with Ann Fisher. The event focused on how different races get treated by the healthcare workers and system in the US but mainly from this pandemic that we are facing right now. There was a conversation on how African Americans do not have proper healthcare. The event mentioned how African-Americans do not trust their healthcare providers. This is because it is labeled that if a black woman is in pain they are just “overreacting”. There was a situation where a black woman was not feeling good and she had to beg the healthcare workers to give her a COVID 19 test and after days of begging, they finally gave her a test and it turned out positive. This event highlighted that people of color issues do not matter and it went back into history on how women suffrage happened at such an early time, but black women could not even vote till the 50s. This relates to I.A. because this is something that happens internationally in my opinion. I think that all around the world black women get treated differently and that pain does not exist when it comes to us. I felt that the points made up in this event were 100% true and I feel devastated just thinking about this. There needs to be change in this because I have witnessed my own family members lives gone because healthcare workers were not listening to their complaints. This event showed me that this is what pushes me to want to become a nurse even more. I believe everyone deserves help no matter what there race or gender

  2. The second event I attended was the OSU Votes- Civic Engagement and Education Services on September 16th. The event was held by Mitch Pinsky. The event-related to I.A. because all across the globe, every country votes, and voting is an important thing because you are trusting someone to take care of where ever you are from. In the event, I learned more about civic engagement and effective ways to stop the end of something. I learned the different forms of civic engagement which were: petitioning, protesting, writing letters, house reps, and emailing. This event relates to my academic interests because even though my major is nursing/healthcare, I still very much care about politics. I feel that voting is a major factor in politics. I mean without voting, how can we be sure that we are citizens are happy with the way our country is set up. In the event, I learned more about the most important and effective ways to dismiss a bill is to send a letter or make a phone call which I did not expect. I thought that protesting was a better way, but after seeing a lot of protests not change certain things I understood.

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