Large white oak that spend much of it’s life growing with little competition from other trees ( a.k.a “wolf tree”)
We are excited to kick off our 12th season of A DAY in the WOODS with Reading Your Woods a program designed to help you to understand the numerous factors that have influenced the woods that you have today and its potential to meet your goals in the future. Some of the topics that we will be covering at this program include:
Understand how past land use, soil and site conditions, and other factors affect your woodland
Learn to look for evidence of past-land use, natural disturbance and site capability
Learn to develop reasonable goals for your woods based on the information that you gather
Foresters and other natural resources personnel from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Ohio State University Extension will be on hand to lead participants through a variety of woodland habitats to look for and discuss the evidence that we find. We’ll discuss the implications of this evidence on the current conditions and future capability of your woodlands. This knowledge can help you to set and attain reasonable goals for your woodland.
Reading Your Woods will take place at the Vinton Furnace State Forest near McArthur on May 12, 2023 from 9 AM to 3 PM. The program will take mostly take place in the woods and may field and will include a considerable amount of walking on uneven terrain, so be sure to bring your hiking boots and dress accordingly.a
A registration fee of $15 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials. Please use one of the following methods to register by May 8: register and pay online at http://go.osu.edu/vintonswcd; call the Vinton Soil and Water Conservation District 740-596-5676; or email Jessica Burns (OSU Extension-Vinton County) at burns.1097@osu.edu
For brochures, maps and directions, and more information about our 2023 slate of programs for woodland owners and enthusiasts in SE Ohio, visit adiw-brochure.
Directions – Experimental Forest