Our September 11th, A DAY in the WOODS program Forest and wildlife history and future challenges will once again be offered via Zoom. This program will focus on the only constant in nature, change. Our wonderful lineup of panelists will discuss the history of Ohio’s forests and wildlife, as well as, some of the current and future challenges facing our woodlands and wildlife.
These topics will be presented during a live Zoom Webinar:
10:00 AM – Welcome and Zoom Orientation with Marne Titchenell and Dave Apsley (Ohio State University Extension)
10:05 AM – Change in age, structure, and composition of Ohio’s forests – Cotton Randall, Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Forestry
10:40 AM – Wildlife history – trends in land use and influence on Ohio’s wildlife populations– Mark Wiley, Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Forestry
11:15 – Q/A session with Steve Matthews (OSU SENR), Cotton Randall (ODNR-DOF), Marne Titchenell (OSUE and SENR) and Mark Wiley (ODNR-DOW)
Additional Videos produced for this program:
Impacts of climate change on forests and wildlife, Steve Matthews, The Ohio State University, School of Environment and Natural Resources OSU (approximately 60 min); This webinar will air live as part of Ohio Woodland Stewards’ Friday’s Escape to the Forest Series. You can attend this webinar live on 9/4/2020 at 11 AM. To register http://go.osu.edu/climatefw . The video will also be available on Monday 9-7-2020 at: https://woodlandstewards.osu.edu/resources/webinars
Impacts of Non-native invasive species on wildlife, Marne Titchenell, Ohio State University Extension, and School of Environment and Natural Resources (approximately 30); This video is available now at: https://go.osu.edu/manageinvasives