Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) was first discovered in Ohio in 2012. Since then it has been found at several locations including the Hocking Hills State Park in Hocking County and Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve in Jackson County. This nonnative invasive pest has the potential to cause widespread mortality in Ohio’s hemlock forests.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (Divisions of Forestry, Parks, and Natural Areas and Preserves), The Nature Conservancy, Ohio State University Extension, the Hocking Hills Conservation Association and others have joined forces to bring to offer an educational program “Hemlock Woolly Adelgid-A pest threatening Ohio’s Hemlocks at two locations in April:
April 5, 2018
Camp Oty’ Okwa – Hocking County
Directions to Camp Oty’Okwa
Download Flyer Hocking County
Flyer Camp Oty’Okwa
April 10, 2018
Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp/The Elizabeth L. Evans Outdoor Education Center – Jackson County
Directions to Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp
Download Flyer for Jackson County
Both programs begin at 5:30 PM with optional hike to view magnificent hemlock forests. The indoor portion of the program will begin at 7:00 PM
Join us to:
- Experience the magnificent hemlock dominated forest
- Understand the importance of hemlock trees to tourism and the environment in Ohio
- Learn the significance of hemlock stands in the Hocking Hills and Lake Katharine State Nature Preserve (the Rock Run area of Jackson County)
- Become aware of the serious threat that Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA), a nonnative invasive insect, poses to hemlock trees in the eastern US
- Receive updates on the current status of HWA in Ohio
- Learn about Ohio’s Efforts to proactively manage HWA
- Join in our effort to detect this pest and spread the word
For more information about Hemlock Woolly adelgid visit: http://ohiodnr.gov/hwa
do we need to register ?? Sounds interesting.
Registration is not required, but If you would send an email or call 740-710-3009 to let us know you are planning to attend. It would be helpful.
Dave Apsley
Be sure to let us know if you are planning on attending in Hocking County (April 5) or in Jackson County (April 10)
Dave-Re. Hemlock
I assume this is open to the public?? If so I would like to post something on the local face book as there has been some interest in Lake Katharine recently.
I plan to attend(Canters cave)…
..Bill McCartney..