New Publication on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Available for Free at your Local Ohio State University Extension Office

Cover HWA 962Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), a nonnative insect, has resulted in the mortality of eastern hemlock trees throughout much of their range in states to the southeast of Ohio.  The potential loss of eastern hemlock in Ohio seriously threatens the unique ecosystems and the tourism that depends on them in places like the Hocking Hills and Mohican Regions of Ohio.  Learn about the status of this pest in Ohio, how Ohio is proactively managing it,  and how you can help.

To get your free copy of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: Managing a Nonnative Invasive Pest in Ohio, OSUE Bulletin 962 contact your county’s Ohio State University Extension Office.  Hopefully you are a frequent vistior to your local Extension Office, but if you don’t know where to find them visit:

Click here to download a free PDF version of this publication.

This publication is also available at; however, if you order online shipping and handling fees of $5.58 will be charged.

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A relatively heavy HWA infestation along the advancing front in Washington County, OH. Notice that white woolly masses are attached to the base of the hemlock needles.  10/29/14

A close look at HWA on hemlock in Washington Co. Note: some of the adelgids have yet to form their white woolly coats for winter.   Double click on this picture for an even closer look! 10/29/14

Now is the time of year that HWA is becoming visible again, so if you’ve got hemlocks in your woods or yard, it is a good time to start looking.   Just flip over the ends of the branches and look for white woolly massess where the needles are attached to the twigs. Early infestations may consist of a few or even a single woolly mass. If you suspect HWA on your hemlock tree(s) contact one of the following:

Ohio Department of Agriculture  614-728-6270

ODNR Forestry, Tom Macy,

OSU Extension, Dave Apsley,



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