“Ten Ways to Improve Your Woodlands” offered on August 8th to Woodland Owners and Enthusiasts at the Vinton Furnace State Forest


Making room for a young black walnut tree.

In a world with invasive plants and insects, severe weather events and an unpredictable economy, it is easy for woodland owners to become discouraged.  “Ten Ways to Improve Your Woodlands” is designed to introduce woodland owners to a variety of techniques, tools and other resources available to help them improve their woodlots.  This program will help landowners evaluate their woodlands, set realistic goals and to learn how to work to improve them. Some of the topics covered in this workshop include: 

  • Knowing your woodland: Locating forest boundaries and inventorying your woodland resources
  • Forest Stewardship plans:  Learn why they are important and how to develop one for your property
  • Improving woodland health:  Encouraging native species diversity, improving tree health, and managing invasive plants
  • Keeping informed and getting assistance.  Learn how to access foresters, wildlife biologists and other natural resources professionals to help you to achieve your woodland goals
  • The benefits of getting out and enjoying woodlands with family and friends

 “Ten Ways to Improve Your Woodlands”  and the “2nd Friday Series”  are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from the ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, US Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, Ohio State University Extension,  US Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, and Glatfelter.

 “Ten Ways to Improve Your Woodlands” will take place near McArthur, Ohio at the Vinton Furnace State Forest.   This class is August 8th from 9 am to 3:30 pm.  Most of the program will take place outside so dress appropriately.   A registration fee of $10 will include lunch and program materials.  For brochures and more information on the other classes in the 2nd Friday Series, visit http://go.osu.edu/seohiowoods.  Please RSVP by calling 740-596-5212 (OSU Extension Vinton County) or emailing Dave at apsley.1@osu.edu by August 4th.  

 Directions – Experimental Forest

Second Friday Series Brochure 2014Second Friday Series Brochure 2014

Day in the Woods Partners

Day in the Woods Partners




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