“Identifying the Trees in Your Woods” offered on July 11th to Woodland Owners and Enthusiasts at the Vinton Furnace State Forest


American chestnut at the Vinton Furnace State Forest

One of the first steps to setting goals for your woodland is to know the species of trees that are found there.  With dozens of tree species on the typical woodland property in Appalachian Ohio, this can be quite a task.

“Identifying the Trees in Your Woods” is a program designed to introduce landowners to a simple process that will help them.   Participants will learn to use a simple leaf key for tree identification.   After lunch, there will be a walk with foresters to reinforce leaf identification skills and to learn to use other characteristics, such as bark, branching, tree form, and site to help identify trees.

“Identifying the Trees in Your Woods”  and the “2nd Friday Series”  are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from the ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, US Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, Ohio State University Extension,  US Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, and Glatfelter.

“Identifying the Trees in Your Woods” will take place near McArthur, OH at the Vinton Furnace State Forest which is home to more than 60 species of trees.   This class is July 11 from 9 am to 3:30 pm.  A registration fee of $10 will include lunch and program materials.    Please RSVP by calling 740-596-5212 (OSU Extension Vinton County) or emailing Dave at apsley.1@osu.edu by July 7.

 Second Friday Series Brochure 2014

Directions – Experimental Forest


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