FRI. May 2, 2014 | 9:30AM – 4:30 PM | Doors Open @ 8:30AM
Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest | 35700 Ball Diamond RD. | Dundas, OH 45634 | FREE LUNCH PROVIDED & RAFFLE
At this workshop, attendees will learn how to manage and improve forest habitats for songbirds, learn about birds found in Ohio’s forests, and have the opportunity to tour the experimental forest and identify birds in a variety of habitats.
The workshop will include presentations on:
- Forest Management Recommendations For Songbirds
- Forest Songbird Ecology & Identification
- The Pileated Woodpecker
- Preventing Forest Fragmentation
- The Importance of Forest Planning
RSVP OR 740-677-4047 BEFORE APRIL 29TH
Program Flier: songbird_flier_v2
Map to Vinton Furnace State Forest: Directions – Experimental Forest
In case you are wondering: Yes, Cindy from Cindy’s Creative Cuisines will be catering the lunch:)