“Matching Your Harvest to Your Woods” offered to woodland owners in SE Ohio at the Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest on May 11th

Only 13 percent of Ohio’s woodland owners say that timber production is one of the major reasons that they own their woods.  Yet, largely due to financial need, more than one-half of them have harvested timber.  Often this decision is made in haste without taking the time to fully understand the options available.  If you’re thinking about harvesting timber, it’s a good idea to take a deep breath, slow down, do your homework and, most importantly, get informed! You’ll want to make sure that any harvest that you conduct is well planned and that you get a competitive price for the trees that you decide to harvest.

“Matching Your Harvest to Your Woods”, part of the “2nd Friday Series” for woodland owners in SE Ohio, is designed to help you learn how timber harvesting can alter the future of your family property.   Woodland owners who attend this workshop will:

  • Get information to decide if a harvest is right for them
  • Visit and discuss sites  harvested by a variety of  techniques over the past 60 years
  • Observe how trees regenerate and grow after a  harvest
  • Understand the steps to take to assure that a harvest is compatible with their vision for the future of the woods
  • Discover the steps to minimize soil erosion and damage to residual trees
  • Understand the factors that influence the value of their timber and the price that they  receive
  • Become informed about the importance of a  good timber sale contract
  • Learn where to get help including Call Before You Cut (1-877-424-8288 or http://callb4ucut.com).

“Matching Your Harvest to Your Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series”  are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest with support from the ODNR-Divisions ofForestry and Wildlife, US Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, Ohio State University Extension,  US Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, and Glatfelter.

“Matching Your Harvest to Your Woods” will take place at the Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest, near McArthur, on May 11th from 10 am to 3:30 pm.  A registration fee of $10 will include lunch and program materials.   For brochures and more information visit us at http://go.osu.edu/seohiowoods.  Please RSVP by calling 740-596-5212 (OSU Extension Vinton County) or emailing Dave at apsley.1@osu.edu by May 7th.

Link to Brochure with Registration information:  Second Friday Series Brochure

 Link to Directions and Map:  Directions – Experimental Forest

One thought on ““Matching Your Harvest to Your Woods” offered to woodland owners in SE Ohio at the Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest on May 11th

  1. Thanks the presenters of this program Mark Rickey, ODNR Forestry; Cody Hacker, Vinton County SWCD; Eric McConnell, OSU-SENR and Eric Roush, Glatfelter. Thanks to all who helped behind the scenes with promotion and logistics. And last but not least Thanks to all of you who spent “A Day in The Woods” to learn about harvesting options for your woods. We can only hope that the weather is as nice for future “2nd Friday Series” programs at the Vinton.

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