With the onset of nice weather in Columbus (finally!) and the sun shining bright, we welcome two very bright summer scholars to the Anderson Lab. Maria joins us from UFRN in Brasil, where she is pursuing her Bachelors in Biomedical Sciences. She will be working towards verifying potential genes involved in C. albicans yeast-to-hyphae transition using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Abigail joins us from the University of Richmond, where she is pursuing a Bachelors degree in Biochemistry and Arabic. Her project will focus on characterizing individual TLO genes in C. albicans. Welcome aboard, Maria and Abigail, and we hope you have a fantastic time in the lab and in Columbus this summer!
Maria Gabriela Cunha Lemos dos Santos
Visiting Fellow
Bachelors in Biomedical Sciences, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
Abigail Ali
Summer Research Assistant
Bachelors in Biochemistry (major) and Arabic (minor), University of Richmond