Moodule 2 communicating and collaborating blog post

The most useful thing I learned in this weeks module is the video and the slide on ‘Dealing with group members. I have already put ‘taking initiative into practice. If I feel worried that my group members are not working as hard and not taking responsibility I am usually the person who makes sure work gets done. I feel it is sometimes hard to find a group member that likes to take the lead and make sure that projects get done before deadlines. Coming forward and taking responsibility may be a daunting task to many. I feel it is very important a group to a person who collaborates and facilitates communication and work distribution between their group members. I have taken a few classes in my freshman and sophomore year at Ohio state that required me to collaborate with my peers throughout the semester. The first class I took was Engg 1181. For this group I noticed that a few of our assignments were unorganized and incoherent in places. This was because we did not divide the work evenly among each other. Also some of the work done by one of our group members did not meet the required standards. Our group ended up getting bad grades on a few assignments. The next class I took that required group work was Engg 1182. In this class I decided to take initiative to make sure our group did not make the same mistakes again.
Another thing I learned from the video is that I need to inform my professors about lazy and incompetent group-mates
My advice to college students would be to be bold while taking up leadership roles. School work holds should be your top priority while in college. And the pain and responsibility that comes from leading a group is helps you build many priceless skills.

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