Assignment: Resource Guidebook

Module 1

Name of resource: Video in the lesson slides: The online approach

Link to resource:

Category of resource: video

I want to remember this video because in this video, instructors give us a brief overview of some the key strategies successful online students use. I also helps me search for materials in future modules that concern to certain strategies mentioned in this video.


Module 2

Name of the resource: 5 tips for dealing with lazy group members.

Link to resource :

Category of resource: Video

I want to remember this video because, dealing with incompetent groupmates is something I really struggle with. I will have a lot of classes next semester that involve working in groups and I want come back to this video and use the tips described in this video.


Module 3

Name of the resource: 5 Research-Based Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination.

Link to the resource:

Category of resource: Article

I want to remember this article because I lose motivation very easily and fall behind on my work. This article provides research based strategies to overcome such slumps. It reminds me that procrastination is irrational.


Module 4

Name of the resource: Information processing model.

Link to the resource:

Category of resource: Video

I want to remember this video because It explains the fundamentals of memory and different types of memories. I tend to read study material only once, which impeded my retention. This video reminds me this memorization involves a repeated cycle of retrieval and encoding.

Module 5

Name of the resource: Taking notes in class.

Link to the resource:

Category of the resource: Video

I want to remember this video because I struggle to take quality notes in my lectures. This video describes the Cornell method of note taking, which I want to employ in my future note taking.


Module 6

Name of the resource: Search Vs Research

Link ti the resource:

Category of the resource:  Article

I want to remember this video because. I struggle to find reliable resources when I am writing papers. This article gives detailed instructions on how to find better resources.