Film Festival Make-Up

Through watching this video series, I learned that many young people in the world have been able to achieve their goals and spread their messages with great success. Each of these videos have a few commonalities between them. They each highlight a young person in their early 20s (for the most part) striving to make a change/difference to the community around them in any way they can. Despite their age, they strive to have their ideas shared and their rights and ideas by building businesses and leading movements. The means by which they do this are through aspects that they have control over: through their own individual change (such as limiting trash output) as well as acting as a group (through protest or through sharing acts of kindness), or even going as far as to create their own businesses, such as Alice Coder and her Aunt Flow project. Watching these people make the changes they want to see in the world is amazingly inspiring for me as a person. To see people not that far from my own age makes it feel possible that there is a way for me to soon my my own dent in the world. Through making connections with others, joining groups that match my ideals I want to see in the world, and by striving to support others’ ideas that I fall in line with. As far as creating a positive impact for my own community and life, I myself have been attempting to change my diet to be more vegetable-based diet as well as working out more often. Towards my community, I hope that the volunteering opportunities that ENR provides such as the river cleanups that ENR leads with other environmental groups. I hope that, through my research later through my life, I will help my community by aiding my community through it.