J.A.D.E Freight LLC.

Welcome to the J.A.D.E Freight LLC. AEV project homepage! Here one can find information such as timelines and progress reports as well as the designs and modifications we have made to our AEV.

A Conclusion to Engineering Design for All - KNILT


Our mission is to provide a efficient solution to the transportation issues that are present in many cities across the globe with our main focus on Columbus, Ohio. The project is intended to be a solution to allow better public transit through the city especially for low income families. By accomplishing this goal we as a community can help unite and further diversify Columbus. Since other cities may different needs to fulfill when finding their solution our plans and research can be adapted to better fit their need.

The Approach:

To comply with the time constraints, J.A.D.E. Freight LLC. has broken the project into a couple major phases. The first phase consists of concept design and analysis. The second phase consists of collecting data and making revisions. The final phase will consist of a  presentation of the research and our final build of the AEV.

The first phase is all about research. This is when we prototype designs and hardware to see what would work best for our task. Our group is currently in the foreground of innovation because we are the first group to use three motors.

The second phase is our data phase. This is when we run our prototype and collect data based on its performance. The data will be used to tweak the design and achieve maximum efficiency.

The third phase is the presentation. Here we will present our finding to our peers. Our build will be finalized and debugged of all major issues. The AEV will then be tested against the other groups designs to see whose idea is the most efficient.

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