The Ohio State University
Tax revenues or PILOT II

Tax revenues or PILOT II

Posted by Brent Sohngen Please feel free to email with any questions: The upshot of this post (to see the last post referred to below, go here) You can’t compare two financial analyses that use fundamentally different input data….

Ohio Scenic Rivers Program Response to Op-Ed

In response to my Op-Ed in the Columbus Dispatch on 4/6/2022 (here), Ohio Scenic Rivers Program Manager Bob Gable sent the following note to the Ohio Watersheds list-serv. I am copying it here, as well as providing the two attachments…

For the sake of the future, Ohio must do more to protect its rivers

(this Op-Ed appeared in the Columbus Dispatch on 4/6/2022 (click here for original) (the study on which this article is based can be found at: As a kid, I remember looking down in awe at the Little Miami River…

What’s going on with Lumber Prices?

Brent Sohngen, Professor Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. In case you haven’t noticed, lumber prices have increased a lot over the last year.  Based on the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Lumber Price Index, which you can find here, lumber…

Ohio Gas Tax Proposal

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has proposed an $0.18 per gallon increase in the state gas tax, taking the tax from $0.281 to $0.46 per gallon.  The tax is proposed to fund state transportation infrastructure improvements.  As you decide you opinion…