How much is public land worth in Ohio?
by Brent Sohngen (sohngen.1@osu.edu) Well, it’s spring again and flowers are starting to show. My favorite is the snow trillium. Hard to find, but worth the walk. It’s not the state flower of Ohio, but it should be. It’s a…
Ohio Scenic Rivers Program Response to Op-Ed
In response to my Op-Ed in the Columbus Dispatch on 4/6/2022 (here), Ohio Scenic Rivers Program Manager Bob Gable sent the following note to the Ohio Watersheds list-serv. I am copying it here, as well as providing the two attachments…
For the sake of the future, Ohio must do more to protect its rivers
(this Op-Ed appeared in the Columbus Dispatch on 4/6/2022 (click here for original) (the study on which this article is based can be found at: https://go.osu.edu/little-miami) As a kid, I remember looking down in awe at the Little Miami River…
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