Why are nature-based carbon offset prices so low?
By Brent Sohngen (sohngen.1@osu.edu) For nearly 25 years, carbon offsets in agriculture and forestry have been the next big thing – a market with huge potential to increase revenue for farming with certain practices like conservation or no till,…

Tax revenues or PILOT II
Posted by Brent Sohngen Please feel free to email with any questions: sohngen.1@osu.edu The upshot of this post (to see the last post referred to below, go here) You can’t compare two financial analyses that use fundamentally different input data….
Biomass Energy from Forests Can Be Sustainable and Carbon Neutral
by Brent Sohngen (sohngen.1@osu.edu) Originally published by Inside Sources The issue of carbon neutrality for wood-based bioenergy just won’t go away. In recent months, Politico, The New York Times and CNN all have run high level stories that take the…
Carbon in soils and trees: What should farmers and society worry about?
Carbon in soils and trees: What should farmers and society worry about? Brent Sohngen, Professor of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Ohio State University As the US re-enters the Paris Agreement and companies all over the world work to become…
Re-entering Paris Agreement could reduce pollution, cost most Americans little
By Brent Sohngen This article ran in the Columbus Dispatch on February 13, 2021: https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/2021/02/13/re-entering-paris-agreement-likely-reduce-pollution-cost-americans-little/4282378001/ One of the first official acts of President Joe Biden was to re-enter the Paris Agreement, that 2015 pact among most of the world’s countries to…
Carbon tax or Green New Deal?
Published in Columbus Dispatch, March 15, 2019 by Brent Sohngen Ohioans are about to get another taste of carbon taxes if legislators approve some amount of a gasoline-tax increase as proposed by Gov. Mike DeWine. The legislature will never call…
Do all economists agree that a Carbon Tax is the best way to address climate change?
Economist and former Chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, is circulating a letter signed by “27 Nobel Laureate economists, 3 other former Chairs of the Federal Reserve and 15 former Chairs of the Council of Economic Advisers” that claims…
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