Tax revenues or PILOT II
Posted by Brent Sohngen Please feel free to email with any questions: sohngen.1@osu.edu The upshot of this post (to see the last post referred to below, go here) You can’t compare two financial analyses that use fundamentally different input data….
The Economics of Solar Development in Ohio
By Grayson Penland and Brent Sohngen This report examines a number of economic aspects of solar development in Ohio. Here is a summary of the findings. A PDF of the report can be downloaded here. Solar energy constitutes about 1.4%…

Real Property Tax Versus PILOT for Solar?
by Brent Sohngen, AED Economics (Sohngen.1@osu.edu) Amid the debate about installing solar power on farmland in the state lies a discussion about how to evaluate the approach any county takes when taxing solar fields. It is well known that…
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