2024 Knox County Junior Fair Turkey Orders

Junior Fair Turkey Orders – Due February 9

Youth exhibitors that who plan on enrolling and exhibiting turkeys at the 2024 Knox County Junior Fair this year, need to order and purchase their poults by February 9.  Poults are $6.50 a piece and will be delivered for pick-up on March 6 at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center from 2-5 p.m.  To order, please fill out the following survey: https://go.osu.edu/turkeys2024.  To purchase, please fill out the following survey: https://square.link/u/KOiqEC7g.

2021 Knox County Turkey Pool Information

Once again, this year we will be doing a turkey pool for all turkey exhibitors.  All exhibitors will need to purchase their poults through the pool to show at the 2021 Knox County Junior Fair.  We feel this will benefit the exhibitors with all of them starting on a level playing field.

The turkey poults will need to be purchased by Friday, February 12 by 5 p.m. with the enclosed order form.  You will have to purchase at least four per exhibitor but can order more if you wish.  If we do not receive your orders by that date you will not be eligible to show turkeys at the 2021 Knox County Junior Fair.  Each poult will cost $6.00.  Please mail your order form and check made out to….

Knox County Agricultural Society

PO Box 1268

Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Pick up for the birds will be March 3 from 2 – 5 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  Be prepared by having a carrying container with some material in the bottom so the poults do not slide around.  You should also have your housing location prepared with feed, water, and a heat source ready to receive the birds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Knox County OSU Extension Office at 740-397-0401.

2021 Turkey Pool Letter

2021 Hartford Fair Market Turkey Pool Orders

Here is the 2021 Hartford Turkey Order Form.  Please make sure that members who are eligible for Hartford Fair receive this information that may plan on exhibiting market turkeys during the 2021 Hartford Fair. The form itself is posted to the Hartford Fair and OSUE- Licking County (4-H) websites and their Facebook pages. Realizing that clubs may just begin meeting as the order deadline arrives, please share this as widely as possible.

As you have questions, please be sure to let me know!

Yours in 4-H,


2020 Market Turkey Exhibitors

2020 Market Turkey Exhibitors2020 Turkey Pool Letter

Once again, this year we will be doing a turkey pool for all turkey exhibitors. All exhibitors will need to purchase their poults through the pool in order to show at the 2020 Knox County Junior Fair. We feel this will benefit the exhibitors with all of them starting on a level playing field.  The turkey poults will need to be purchased by Friday, February 14 by 5 p.m. with the enclosed order form. You will have to purchase at least four per exhibitor but can order more if you wish. If we do not receive your orders by that date you will not be eligible to show turkeys at the 2020 Knox County Junior Fair. Each poult will cost $6.00. Please mail your order form and check made out to….

Knox County Agricultural Society
PO Box 1268
Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Pick up for the birds will be March 4 from 2 – 5 p.m. at the Knox County OSU Extension Office. Be prepared by having a carrying container with some material in the bottom so the poults do not slide around. You should also have your housing location prepared with feed, water and a heat source ready to receive the birds.

Meat Turkey Orders Forms for the 2019 Hartford Fair

Licking, Knox, Delaware County 4-H / FFA Advisors…

Please make note that the Hartford Fair Turkey Pool order forms are now available (Turkey Order Form 2019-1kongdg) for the 2019 project year. The attached information will be shared in Sunday’s 4-H Blog Email with ALL Licking County 4-H families, but I ask that you share with those who may be new to the project in 2019, as well as FFA members and those who reside in Delaware and Knox Counties. Please be aware that the deadline of March 1st (one month later than in the past) is intentional, as we wanted the birds to be smaller at the time of exhibit. Please help me in distributing this information to any youth who may be planning to exhibit market turkeys during the 2019 Hartford Fair.

Yours in 4-H,



Hartford Fair Turkey Pool Information

Please make note that the Hartford Fair Turkey Pool order forms are now available for the 2018 project year. The information below was shared earlier today with our 2017 Licking County 4-H poultry project members.  We are sharing for those that may be new to the project in 2018, as well as FFA members and those who reside in Knox Counties. Please be aware that the deadline of February 2nd is only SIX WEEKS away! Please help me in distributing this information to any youth who may be planning to exhibit market turkeys during the 2018 Hartford Fair.

Yours in 4-H,


Order form: 2018 HFTurkeyPoolOrderForm-14udc4n

– Andrea