2023 National 4-H Conference

The National 4-H Conference is the premier civic engagement opportunity for 4-H members (15-19 years old) who are actively engaged in 4-H programs across the U.S. and its territories. The conference is administered by 4-H National Headquarters of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This experience upholds a tradition dating back to 1927. Known then as the “National 4-H Club Camp,” delegates slept in tents on the grounds of the National Mall in front of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, D.C. Held annually, except for several years during World War II, the camp served to develop the next generation of leaders. Delegates attended training workshops, became acquainted with government, and had the opportunity to meet with state leaders. In 1958, the event name was changed to National 4-H Conference and, in 1959, the meeting moved from the National Mall to the newly founded National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, MD (right outside of Washington, D.C.). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, National 4-H Conference was cancelled in 2020 and held virtually in 2021. In 2022, National 4-H Conference resumed in-person programming as a hybrid format, also offering a virtual attendance option to delegates.


National 4-H Conference is specifically focused on civic engagement, civic education, and personal development. Delegates arrive ready to connect, learn, engage, lead, and impact their communities, their nation, and their world. In 2023, National 4-H Conference returns for youth delegates to attend in-person in Washington, D.C. or participate virtually through an online conference platform during April 14-19, 2023. Ohio delegates are expected to attend in-person for this conference even though there is a virtual option.

For more information please visit: 2023 National 4-H Conference Delegate Application or visit: https://go.osu.edu/N4HC 

Making eXtreme Counselors – February 25-26, 2023

MXC is a statewide camp counselor training that supplements county training. It is interactive, covers specific core competencies each year, and brings together teens from multiple camps to share ideas. It is a great way for counselors to learn from someone different and to share ideas from songs and skits, to evening programs and facilitation skills! We will also have a keynote speaker with expertise in 4-H Camp Counseling!

Dates: February 25-26, 2023

Location: Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center

Cost: $65/youth

Flyer: MXC Flyer 2023 (002)

For more information please visit: : http://go.osu.edu/mxc

Please reach out to Lindsey for more information and to discuss becoming a camp counselor for Knox County.

What is 4-H Spark Expo?

4-H Spark EXPO (Exploring Pathway Opportunities) is an exciting NEW opportunity for youth who have completed the eighth grade. Three days of fun and learning with activities to explore a variety of career and educational opportunities in sessions created just for Spark Expo attendees at Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Attendees will also get the chance to develop valuable skills, make new friends and fuel individual growth! They’ll get the first glimpse of the premiere college and career readiness program, Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future.

Who can attend?
Youth who have completed the eighth grade of the current year. Space is limited as we will only be able to accommodate up to 75 youth.

What is the investment?

 Because of gracious financial support from the Ohio 4-H Foundation and others, the registration fee will be $75.


If you are interested please reach out to Andrea at the OSU Extension Office: 740-397-0401 or rees.139@osu.edu.

State 4-H Animal Sciences Event Calendar & Resources

Calendar: 2022 State 4H Animal Sciences Calendar


Other good information on livestock can be found on the extension team pages:

4-H Night with the Dayton Dragons

Ohio 4-H Night at the Dayton Dragons is back!

  • Families can purchase tickets directly at www.go.osu.edu/ohio4hdaytondragons Tickets are $10.00.
  • The game is at the Day Air Ballpark in downtown Dayton.  The game will be on Saturday, May 7. Game starts at 7:05 pm, with gates opening at 6 pm.
  • Please be sure to line up behind the outfield lawn area (Lawn D) by 6:15pm to participate in a pre-game parade of all the 4-H counties in attendance this evening.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact your Dragons representative: Carl Hertzberg – carl.hertzberg@daytondragons.com

2022 Ohio 4-H Horse Updates

I wanted to share with you the updates that were presented at the Ohio 4-H Horse Advisor & Volunteer Training this past Saturday.  All of this information is or will soon be posted at www.horse.osu.edu.

2022 Calendar of State 4-H Horse Events:

  • February 26: Hippology/Horse Bowl/Horse Judging Clinic
  • February 26: Communications Contest (Oral and Visual)
  • February 26: 2021 Achievement Awards Presentation
  • April 9: Horse Bowl Contest
  • June 13: Hippology Contest
  • June 13: Horse Judging Contest
  • July 1: Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show entries are due!
  • July 18-22: Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show
  • August 27: Groom & Clean Contest
  • September 9-10: Competitive Trail Ride

Registration for all of this year’s events will continue to be online.  Once the registration deadline closes, Dani and/or I will use 4-H online to verify that the contestants are 4-H members in good standing.

PAS Qualifying Horse Shows


  • At the beginning of the year, the youth determines which classes they want to qualify in to show at State Fair. A youth must qualify in any two (2) classes in order to compete in the State Fair Junior Horse Show. Counties may allow youth to qualify in more than two classes; however, youth may enter in a maximum of four (4) classes at the State Fair Junior Horse Show, this includes ground roping. At the State Fair Junior Horse Show, youth will only be allowed to show in classes for which they qualified.
  • A county (or group of counties) may offer up to two (2) single-judged qualifying shows or one (1) double-judged qualifying show. In a show with two judges, the scores should not be averaged.
  • Counties must hire judges that are designated as PAS judges on the current year’s Ohio 4-H Horse Show Judges List. This list can be found online at http://horse.osu.edu.
  • A youth cannot compete in more than two (2) single-judged PAS shows or one (1) double-judged PAS show.
  • Gymkhana classes: Riders get one run (attempt) per class in a show to qualify unless county or counties are using one show with two judges to qualify youth. Then the youth may have two attempts (runs) as long as they are not disqualified in the first run. If the youth receives a no time in their first run, they are still eligible for their second run. If the youth is disqualified in their first run, they are not eligible for a second run.
  • A youth may only use one horse to try out in PAS shows and cannot replace a horse for any reason after they have shown in their first PAS class. The project horse shown at the state fair must be the one the 4-H member qualified with in his or her county.


There are a few important changes to the paperwork associated with PAS shows.

  • Out-of-County PAS Form:  The out-of-county PAS form has been updated to provide room for additional classes as there is no statewide restriction on the number of classes in which a youth may try and qualify.  As in the past, the 4-H educator must approve and sign the out-of-county PAS form that the 4-H member will take with them to the out-of-county PAS show.  Starting this year, the 4-H member is responsible for uploading their completed out-of-county PAS form(s) to their 4-H Online account, regardless of whether they qualified for the Junior Horse Show or not.  A copy of the updated form is attached to this email.
  • PAS Verification Form: In the past, county 4-H educators were responsible for submitting the PAS Verification Form (XL spreadsheet) to Barb Prince with State Fair.  Starting this year, each PAS Qualifying Show must submit the updated PAS verification form to cole.436@osu.edu within a week of the show or no later than July 1st, whichever comes first.  The updated PAS verification form must include all youth that participated in the PAS Qualifying Show, regardless of their 4-H/home county, and their scores and/or times.  A copy of the updated PAS Verification Form is attached to this email.  As in the past, this form will be used to verify the 4-H members’ online entries for the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show.  If this form is not received, the youth will not be permitted to show as there will be no way to verify whether or not the qualified for the Junior Horse Show.

Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show


  • 4-H members who intend to show at the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show must upload a copy of their equine’s current negative Coggins test (dated on or after January 1, 2022) to their 4-H Online account by July 1st.  Previously, the 4-H member was required to submit the copy of the Coggins test result to the county 4-H educator to send in with the PAS Verification Form.
  • The dates for this year’s Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show is Monday, July 18th through Friday, July 22nd.  We will be able to move into the fairgrounds on Sunday afternoon this year but a time has not been decided yet.  A copy of the show schedule is posted online at horse.osu.edu.
  • The online registration deadline for the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show is July 1, 2022.  It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to submit their entry and pay their $50 stall fee online at www.ohiostatefair.com by 1:00 pm on July 1, 2022.  Late registrations, with a $100 late fee in addition to the $50 stall fee, will be accepted until 1:00pm on July 8th.

Kimberly Cole, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Extension Equine Specialist

Department of Animal Sciences

222-D Animal Sciences Building

2029 Fyffe Court

Columbus, OH 43210



2022 Take the Leap: Career Readiness Day

Thanks to a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation, we will again be hosting “Take the Leap: Career Readiness Day” on Saturday, April 2, 2022 (12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center! This event is open to any 4-H member – ages 13 to 18 – and is completely FREE! Several Teen Leadership Council members have been planning this event and are excited to facilitate this opportunity for their peers.

This day is jam-packed full of opportunities for participants with some highlights listed here:

  • Learn about 4-H opportunities at the state level
  • Rotate through career preparation workshops covering topics such as resume writing, interview skills, entrepreneurship, goal setting, and more
  • Network with peers who are also interested in preparing for their future

See the  attached a flyer/registration form to this email. Participants can register at go.osu.edu/taketheleap.

Registration is due by March 19. 

Contact Frances (foos.61@osu.edu), Kayla (oberstadt.1@osu.edu), or Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu) if you have any questions.

2022 Ohio Youth Poultry Clinic

When:  March 19, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where:  The Ohio State University ATI, 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, OH 44691
Cost:  $20.00 per youth and $25 per adult (includes morning refreshments and lunch)
Deadline: Registration and payment postmarked by Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – Space is limited!
Contact: Michael Cressman, cressman.2@osu.edu

Registration and Overview:
8:30-9:00 – Registration/Refreshments. Equipment and Housing Exhibits Open.
9:00-9:20 – Introduction, Schedule Overview.

Topics: (40-minute sessions)

  • All About Eggs
  • Turkey Evaluation
  • Avian Anatomy (Necropsy) – Beginner
  • OPA/Careers
  • Quality Assurance (1 hr)
  • Avian Anatomy (Necropsy) – Advanced
  • Mortality Disposal
  • Q & A Corner
  • Exhibition Poultry – Selection & Show Prep

Registration Information:
Make checks ($20.00/youth and $25.00/adult) payable to The Ohio State University. On memo line write “Youth Poultry Clinic.” Mail reservation (below) and payment postmarked by March 2 to: Attn: Michael Cressman, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 2029 Fyffe Court, Columbus, OH 43210

Flyer: 2022 Youth Poultry Clinic – REGISTRATION

Shooting Sports Instructor Fall Workshop – November 5-7, 2021

The registration for the Fall Shooting Sports Workshop November 5-7th, at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp is now live!  Information can be found on the state website here: https://ohio4h.org/families/members/events-opportunties/shooting-sports/state-training.  The direct go-link to the Qualtrics registration is: http://go.osu.edu/shootingsportsworkshop

A few things to note:

  • The registration process has been updated to an online registration. Participants will be able to pay via credit card (NelNet) or by mailing a check.
    • If mailing a check, please make sure they follow the instructions and include a list of participants. We know sometimes a 4-H Committee/Club etc. will pay for multiple people and so we need to be able to track who has paid.
  • All instructors are required to complete the National Shooting Sports online eModules prior to attending the workshop. They are being directed to contact their county 4-H professional on how to complete those modules. As of now, these only need to be completed one time.
    • If no one from your office is set up as a county manager for the online modules, contact Jeff Dick for assistance in setting up your account. You will be able to see your county, who has registered, progress made, etc.
    • Attached are instructions for how to access the modules which can be found at: 4-hshootingsportscollege.com
      • There currently is funding from ODNR to cover the cost of these modules. Instructors can use this code: OSUVYQSFQUM2
        • Please do not post the code on a website, but share with individual instructors directly.
  • Junior Leaders (teens who have previously completed the discipline in the county) are eligible to attend. They will need to ensure that they complete the JL application in addition to the workshop application. The JL application can be found on the state website link above. It is a paper form that is mailed to Jeff Dick and requires a 4-H professional signature at the bottom. JLs are expected to have a mentor in the discipline attend with them and an adult of the same gender who is staying in the cabin with them as a mentor also. These do not have to be the same person or from the same county. If this is the JL’s first time attending a workshop, two letters of reference are also required.
  • After registration closes, we will confirm the list of attendees with county 4-H professionals to ensure that they are approved, screened volunteers.

Ohio Teen Leadership Application for 2021-2022

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2021-22 year are now available and can be found on our website at go.osu.edu/TLC! Please let any interested individual know so they may apply. Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply.

  • Applications and more information about the group can be found online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due (received, not postmarked!) by Friday, August 13, 2021 to Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu). We recognize this falls during some county fairs, so encourage teens to apply early! We will accept applications as early as today 😊 The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2021-August 31, 2022.
  • If you want to “share” on Facebook, you may do so by sharing the link on the “Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council” Facebook page (posted today). If you want a blurb to copy for your newsletter, you may use: “Applications and more information to be an Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) member for the 2021-22 program year are now available online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due (received, not postmarked!) by Friday, August 13, 2021.”

If you have questions on this opportunity, please let Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu), Kayla (oberstadt.1@osu.edu),  or Frances (foos.61@osu.edu) know.


Here are some highlights about the responsibilities of the council:

  • Age: Individuals must be 14-18 as of January 1 the year of application to apply for council member, committee member, committee chair, and officer.
  • Number of Meetings/Events: See the program structure outline on the application for specific numbers of meetings and events. Members are required to attend at least 75% of meetings and events.
    • Working Events: Members are required to work a number of statewide events at the Ohio State Fair, and elsewhere throughout the state (Farm Science Review, Legislative Luncheon, etc.).  Each level of membership differs in the number of events that are required.  See the program structure for more information.
  • Location of meetings: Meetings are typically held at the Ohio 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio, but there are occasionally instances when they are held elsewhere due to events on Ohio State’s Campus.  In these instances, meetings may be held at locations close to campus.  Refer to the application for the locations for the 2021-2022 year.  Members will be notified prior to the location change.
  • Additional Opportunities: Depending on the level of involvement, council members have the option to apply for additional opportunities including the National 4-H Conference, Ohio 4-H Foundation Board, and other opportunities that may arise.