2022 Junior Fair Senior Scholarship Award

This will be awarded to one senior from each of the following Departments.

  • Beef (Beef Breeding, Beef Feeder, Market Beef, Dairy Market Feeder, and Market Dairy Steer)
  • Dairy Cows
  • Dogs
  • Equine (light horse and draft)
  • Goats (Breeding, Market, and Pack)
  • Llama and Alpaca
  • Poultry (Production and Market)
  • Rabbits (Breeding and Market)
  • Swine
  • Sheep (Breeding and Market)
  • Still Projects

Eligibility Requirements: Must be graduating from high school in the Spring of 2022. Must be exhibiting the specie in which they sign up for in the 2022 Knox County Junior Fair. They may sign up for all departments they are exhibiting in. Must be signed up by the deadline of May 13, 2022.

Participation Requirements: Each participant will be given no more than 20 minutes to present in a way of their choosing one of the following topics to a selection panel. (For example – PowerPoint, prepared speech, or display board)

  • Biosecurity
  • Agriculture Advocation
  • The Positive impact of 4H and FFA in a Community
  • Economy – Agricultures Role

Selection Process and Awards: Participants will present their presentation in mid-June. They will be contacted with a specific presentation date and time. Once all entries have presented, the selection panel will choose a winner from each department. The winner from each department will be announced during the special announcements portion of the Sale of Champions. The award amount is dependent upon the number of entries but will be no less than $250.00 per Department.

To Sign up, use this link:

Premium Pick-Up, Club Packets, & Miscellaneous Projects

On September 1 from 3 to 7 p.m. will we be conducting Junior Fair Premium Pick-Up as well as Club Packet Pick-Up at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  We are requesting that each club send on representative during that time frame to pick up those items.

With the premium pick-up we will have a list of what each member will receive for easy distribution.  If you have members that went through the sale, we will also have a detailed copy of their sale slip so they know all their buyers, potential add-ons, and what deductions were made.

Club packets will be available from Jana that will have ribbons and any Farm Bureau t-shirts that were not picked up at the fair.

We still have miscellaneous projects that were displayed at the fair that still have not been picked up.  Those we will also be available that day.

Knox County Junior Fair King & Queen Application


  • Any active member of a Knox County Junior Fair organizations, such as 4-H, FFA, FCCLA, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Junior Grange are eligible to compete.
  • Preliminary judging will be July 21, 2021 at the 4-H Center.
  • Final selection will be Sunday, July 25 at the Midway Stage at 11:30 at the 2021 Knox County Fair.
  • The age limit is 16-18 as of January 1, this year.
  • Each contestant may not be married, have been married or parented a child.
  • The queen is eligible to compete in the Ohio Fairs’ Queen Contest at the Ohio Fair Managers Conference in 2022.
  • A $100 gift, provided by the Senior Fair Board, will be given to both the new king and queen. Gifts will be given to the first and second place runners-up.
  • Entry applications are available at the Knox County OSU Extension Office, at www.knoxcountyfair.org or from the organization’s advisor.
  • Deadline for entry is July 14, 2021.
  • Any questions please call the King and Queen coordinator, Bobbi Maleszewski at  740-507-1847

Rule Sheet: Queen & King Rule Sheet

Application: Jr. Fair King & Queen Application

Beef Feeder Tag Ordering

The time has come to order your Beef Feeder tags.  Please use the following survey: https://go.osu.edu/2021beeffeeder to order the number of tags you need by May 1 at 11:59 p.m.  If more than one member in your family needs to order tags, then you can add each member in the same survey.

Pick up of tags will be on Wednesday, May 5 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.

Animal ID pictures and information will need to be uploaded to 4-HOnline 2.0 by June 1 at 11:59 p.m.

2021 Broiler Pool Letter & Order Form

As in the past, exhibitors need to purchase their broilers through this pool to exhibit at the 2021 Knox County Junior Fair.

Please read the following information carefully and respond by FRIDAY, APRIL 23 by 5 p.m. with the enclosed order form.  Orders received after this date will not be filled and the exhibitor will not be eligible to enter the broiler class.

Chicks may be ordered in any lot size.  The fair exhibit must be three pool birds per exhibitor.

The cost per chick will be $2.00.  Pick up for these chicks will be WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 from 1 – 6 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  If the hours or location are not convenient for you, please plan for someone else to pick up your chicks.  Chicks will be all cockerels for this pool.

Please do not send cash through the mail.  We ask that you mail your order form and check made out to the following address……….

Knox County Agricultural Society

PO Box 1268

Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Be prepared by having a carrying container with some material in the bottom so the chicks do not slide around.  You should also have your housing location prepared with feed, water and a heat source ready to receive the birds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 740-751-9545.


Letter & Flyer: 2021 Broiler Pool Letter

2021 Market Hog Tag Ordering

The time has come to order your Market Hog tags.  Please use the following survey: https://go.osu.edu/2021markethog to order the number of tags you need by April 3 at 11:59 p.m.  If more than one member in your family needs to order tags (regardless of being 4-H or FFA), then you can add each member in the same survey.

Pick up of tags will be on Saturday, April 10 from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.