Are You a 4-H Member Interested in Learning More About Sewing?

If you answered yes, please join the Zoom clinic series being presented by 4-H Master Clothing Educator volunteers from across the state.  You will expand your sewing knowledge and learn skills to help you with your projects.  Attend all of the sessions or the ones that interest you.

Register by completing the online survey at:

You will receive an email with a Zoom link one day prior to each session.

Textile and Clothing Project Zoom Clinics

  • April 29, 2021 7-8 pm: Picking Patterns, taking measurements, and selecting fabric and notions
  • May 5, 2021 7-8 pm: Laying out your pattern, how to pin, how to use shears and grainline
  • May 18, 2021 7-8 pm: Seam finishes and directional sewing tips
  • June 9, 2021 and June 15, 2021 7-8 pm: Zippers, closures and hems

Textile and Clothing Zoom Series Flyer

Pack Goat Enthusiast Gatherings

I bet you are ready to get your goats out to start walking and having some fun, so let’s do it together! Bring your goat to walk on the trails at the Knox County Natural Resource area then take them for a spin on some pack course elements!

Location: The New Ramser 4-H Activity Center and Natural Resources Area (come in the front gate of the Knox County Fairgrounds and go to the north east corner) (white building with a green roof)


  • April 25/Sunday 2:00pm—3:00pm
  • May 16/Sunday 2:00pm—3:00pm
  • June 13/Sunday 2:00pm—3:00pm
  • July 11/Sunday 2:00pm—3:00pm

Click here for more details: 2021 Pack Goat Gatherings

Adding Animals to 4-HOnline Profile or FFA Profile for 2021

Animal Identification and Photos are due going to be due for many of our market animals and horses in the near future.  Below are the dates that each specie needs to have that animal information uploaded by 11:59 p.m.:

  • April 1 – Market Beef & Market Dairy Steer
  • May 1 – Dairy Market Feeders, Market Goats, Market Hogs, Market Lambs, Horses
  • June 1 – Beef Feeders
  • July 1 – Market Rabbits

If you are an FFA member and do not have a 4-HOnline 2.0 profile, we ask that you upload you information to the following website:

If you do have a profile in 4-HOnline 2.0, regardless of the projects you are taking through 4-H, we are going to ask you to use that platform to add your animals.  Attached are the instructions to assist you with that process: Adding Animals to 4HOnline

Buckeye Bunny Supply Memorial Scholarship

The Buckeye Bunny Supply Memorial Scholarship (In Memory of Alan Worthington) application is now available! Two $250 scholarships will be awarded to a high school senior or current college student who was active as a youth member in the rabbit industry that has excelled in all aspects of their 4-H or FFA career. Deadline to apply is April 9, 2021.

2021 Hartford Independent Fair Updates

Quality Assurance: 2021 Hartford Fair QA Guidelines

You will find the 2021 Hartford Fair Livestock Quality Assurance Guidelines attached. We hope that you will find these details helpful in determining who must attend QA training in order to be eligible for the Hartford Fair. While each of the three counties will be offering QA programs, we will be attempting to host only our own members during our individual county programs, based upon capacity limits, in order to avoid offering additional programs.

With that said, the SFB Talking Points that are presented during Licking County QA Programs will be distributed to all of you in advance of trainings, and will be posted on the Hartford Fair and Licking County 4-H websites. This will allow you to be aware of the information related to the Hartford Fair, even when attending a Delaware of Knox County QA program.  Additionally, all of the species packets utilized during Licking County trainings will be posted on our county website for reference by anyone who would like additional support materials. While Licking County will not be offering Test Out sessions in 2021, your respective counties may, and please know that those are accepted in meeting the Hartford Fair’s QA requirement.

Meat Chicken Order Form:

Meat Duck Order Form:

Please feel free to contact Lisa at the Licking County OSU Extension Office if you have further questions or concerns.

2021 Broiler Pool Letter & Order Form

As in the past, exhibitors need to purchase their broilers through this pool to exhibit at the 2021 Knox County Junior Fair.

Please read the following information carefully and respond by FRIDAY, APRIL 23 by 5 p.m. with the enclosed order form.  Orders received after this date will not be filled and the exhibitor will not be eligible to enter the broiler class.

Chicks may be ordered in any lot size.  The fair exhibit must be three pool birds per exhibitor.

The cost per chick will be $2.00.  Pick up for these chicks will be WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 from 1 – 6 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  If the hours or location are not convenient for you, please plan for someone else to pick up your chicks.  Chicks will be all cockerels for this pool.

Please do not send cash through the mail.  We ask that you mail your order form and check made out to the following address……….

Knox County Agricultural Society

PO Box 1268

Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Be prepared by having a carrying container with some material in the bottom so the chicks do not slide around.  You should also have your housing location prepared with feed, water and a heat source ready to receive the birds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 740-751-9545.


Letter & Flyer: 2021 Broiler Pool Letter

2021 Market Hog Tag Ordering

The time has come to order your Market Hog tags.  Please use the following survey: to order the number of tags you need by April 3 at 11:59 p.m.  If more than one member in your family needs to order tags (regardless of being 4-H or FFA), then you can add each member in the same survey.

Pick up of tags will be on Saturday, April 10 from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.

2021 Dairy Market Feeder Vaccination and Tag Ordering

The time has come to order your Dairy Market Feeder tags.  Please use the following survey: to order the number of tags you need by April 3 at 11:59 p.m.  If more than one member in your family needs to order tags, then you can add each member in the same survey.

Pick up of tags will be on Saturday, April 10 from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  This is when the proof of vaccination will be due.

This year, in order to pick up tags you are going to need to show proof of vaccination.  Please read the following details carefully:

Below are the vaccinations/dewormers that have been administered by Dr. Krueger at weigh-in/tagging in previous years.  This year you are required to work directly with your vet to have your animals vaccinated and dewormed with the same or similar vaccinations/dewormers.  If you choose to use different items, it is MANDATORY that the withdrawal time is elapsed prior to MOVE-IN day of the fair. You will need to bring the documentation for proof of vaccination when you pick up your county tags.


1.      Covexin 8  –  A single 5 ml injection is being given under the skin.

a.     Effective vaccination against Clostridial diseases Including: C. chauvoei (Blackleg), C. septicum, C. novyi (Type B), C. hemolyticum (Type D), C. tetani (Tetanus), C. perfringens (Type C& D, Overeating)

b.     MEAT HOLD: 21 days

2.     Triangle 10 – A single 5 ml injection is being given under the skin.

a.     Effective vaccination against Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus (IBR), Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD types 1&2), Parainfluenza 3 (PI3), Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV), and Leptospirosis (L. pomona, L. hardjo, L. grippotyphosa, L. canicola, L. icterohaemorrhagiae.

b.     MEAT HOLD: 21 days

3.     (Agri Mectin) Ivermectin Topical Pour-On:  Dosage given topically per weight.

a.     Effective against Gatrointestinal Roundworms(Strongyles, etc), Lungworms, Cattle Grubs, Mites, Lice, and Horn Flies.

          b.     MEAT HOLD: 48 days.

If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to contact us.

Samantha J. Beheler

Knox County Junior Fair Coordinator

Cell: (740) 751-9545



2021 Knox County Spring Clean-up Event

The Knox County Spring Clean-up event will be held in the month of April.  This event is opened to all youth and adult organizations to help remove litter from the roadways in Knox County.  Participating groups select the roadways they wish to clean and perform the services.  Once collected, the bags of litter can be transported to the Knox County Fairgrounds on May 1st for disposal.  By participating in the event, groups provide a community service of removing litter from our county roadways.  The event has been approved to return after last year’s cancellation due to COVID-19.  The Knox County Health Department requires masks and social distancing for participating groups and the drop-off event.


  • 1-24 bags $3.00 per bag
  • 25-67 bags $3.50 per bag
  • 68-100 bags $4.00 per bag

We are located at 117 E. High St. – second floor in Suite 257.  This is where you have the option pick up needed supplies.

If you would like to include your youth group in our event, are non-profit, and would like more information on how you can participate, please contact me.

Flyer: knox pages sc ad

Matt Baugher, Program Manager
Knox County Recycling and Litter Prevention