Ohio Youth Livestock Webinar – Poultry Focus

Wednesday, April 26th : Poultry Health
https://osu.zoom.us/j/98164067948?pwd=OWdqQ2dhTk95MDdwNzBZOW51Mzhjdz09 (Password: 682120)
Protecting animal health at home and at the fair, common disease ID, and more!

Thursday, May 4th : Poultry Nutrition
https://osu.zoom.us/j/92999680333?pwd=b2dyK0h3S1ljK2RkQlFHWmlaM1FzZz09 (Password: 870670)
Nutrition best practices, how nutrition impacts meat quality

Monday, May 15th : Poultry Handling and Welfare
https://osu.zoom.us/j/97491993463?pwd=bWVLNTZ5MVRDaUZDTCtZN1lzdzJUUT09 (Password: 231076)
Animal handling and welfare at home and at the fair, impact of handling and stress on meat quality

Flyer: Youth Poultry Project Webinar 2023

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