2024 Knox County Junior Fair Turkey Orders
Junior Fair Turkey Orders – Due February 9
Youth exhibitors that who plan on enrolling and exhibiting turkeys at the 2024 Knox County Junior Fair this year, need to order and purchase their poults by February 9. Poults are $6.50 a piece and will be delivered for pick-up on March 6 at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center from 2-5 p.m. To order, please fill out the following survey: https://go.osu.edu/turkeys2024. To purchase, please fill out the following survey: https://square.link/u/KOiqEC7g.
Ohio 4-H Livestock, Horse, & Companion Animal Project Resources
The Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences pages have several resources for our exhibitors to assist and help guide them in the project journey’s. There are factsheets, webinars, resources, and videos for families to check out. Below are the links for the respective pages.
- Beef: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/beef-cattle
- Companion Animals: https://ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/animal-sciences/companion-animals
- Dairy: https://ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/animal-sciences/dairy
- Dog: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/dog
- Horse: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/horse
- Poultry: https://ohio4h.org/poultry
- Rabbit: https://ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/animal-sciences/rabbit
- Small Ruminant (Sheep & Goats): https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/small-ruminant-sheepgoat
- Swine: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/swine
Ohio Youth Livestock Webinar – Poultry Focus
Wednesday, April 26th : Poultry Health
https://osu.zoom.us/j/98164067948?pwd=OWdqQ2dhTk95MDdwNzBZOW51Mzhjdz09 (Password: 682120)
Protecting animal health at home and at the fair, common disease ID, and more!
Thursday, May 4th : Poultry Nutrition
https://osu.zoom.us/j/92999680333?pwd=b2dyK0h3S1ljK2RkQlFHWmlaM1FzZz09 (Password: 870670)
Nutrition best practices, how nutrition impacts meat quality
Monday, May 15th : Poultry Handling and Welfare
https://osu.zoom.us/j/97491993463?pwd=bWVLNTZ5MVRDaUZDTCtZN1lzdzJUUT09 (Password: 231076)
Animal handling and welfare at home and at the fair, impact of handling and stress on meat quality
Backyard Poultry Biosecurity Zoom
Thanks to Tim McDermott, Ohio 4-H is pleased to offer Backyard Poultry Biosecurity
- With concerns are around HPAI and poultry rising, especially as we approach fair season, good biosecurity practices are very important! Learn about health risk and biosecurity practices specific to poultry projects with Dr. Tim McDermott! Youth and adults are welcome to join us on April 5th from 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom (Zoom link and details below).
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 1045 5262
Password: 730686
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,97510455262#,,,,0#,,730686# US (New York)
Market Poultry Resources
Resources/videos on showing market poultry can be found here: https://www.ohiopoultry.org/Backyard-Flocks/index.cfm#marketPoultry
Biosecurity for Backyard Poultry Videos
In collaboration with the Ohio Poultry Association on some video outreach, the OSU Extension is putting together a series of poultry videos. The first topic is Biosecurity. Very important with the current state of HPAI right now. Please find the links below via Twitter or Facebook to watch them:
2022 Ohio Youth Poultry Clinic
When: March 19, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: The Ohio State University ATI, 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, OH 44691
Cost: $20.00 per youth and $25 per adult (includes morning refreshments and lunch)
Deadline: Registration and payment postmarked by Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – Space is limited!
Contact: Michael Cressman, cressman.2@osu.edu
Registration and Overview:
8:30-9:00 – Registration/Refreshments. Equipment and Housing Exhibits Open.
9:00-9:20 – Introduction, Schedule Overview.
Topics: (40-minute sessions)
- All About Eggs
- Turkey Evaluation
- Avian Anatomy (Necropsy) – Beginner
- OPA/Careers
- Quality Assurance (1 hr)
- Avian Anatomy (Necropsy) – Advanced
- Mortality Disposal
- Q & A Corner
- Exhibition Poultry – Selection & Show Prep
Registration Information:
Make checks ($20.00/youth and $25.00/adult) payable to The Ohio State University. On memo line write “Youth Poultry Clinic.” Mail reservation (below) and payment postmarked by March 2 to: Attn: Michael Cressman, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 2029 Fyffe Court, Columbus, OH 43210
2021 Broiler Pool Pick-Up Date Change
Pick up for these chicks will be now be THURSDAY, JUNE 3 from 1 – 6 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center. If the hours or location are not convenient for you, please plan for someone else to pick up your chicks. Chicks will be all cockerels for this pool.
Be prepared by having a carrying container with some material in the bottom so the chicks do not slide around. You should also have your housing location prepared with feed, water and a heat source ready to receive the birds.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Samantha at 740-751-9545.
Youth Backyard Poultry Production Virtual Clinic
There will be a free Backyard Poultry Production Virtual Clinic held in partnership with the Harrison/Jefferson Co. Extension ANR and 4H programs on Tuesday May 25th @ 6:30 pm. The clinic is geared towards youth but youth of all ages are invited. The class is free but registration is required so check out the registration link below and bring your friends and your questions.
For questions contact Erika Lyon.194@osu.edu or Angie Allison.325@osu.edu
Hi there,
You are invited to a CarmenZoom webinar.
When: May 25, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Backyard Poultry Production
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Any questions about this webinar should be directed to the webinar organizer.