Ohio 4-H Dog Judges’ Seminar

Every other year the State 4-H Dog Advisory Committee hosts an Ohio 4-H Dog Judges’ Seminar for current and potential 4-H dog show judges. 2019 is the year! The seminar will be held Saturday, January 26th, at the OSU Animal Sciences Building, Columbus campus. Registrations are due Monday, January 14.

I have attached the general information, a schedule and registration form. If you have people in your county (4-H volunteers, kennel club members, etc.) who might be interested in this seminar, please forward the information to them. Judges’ seminar information is posted on the 4-H website’s Dog Calendar of Events page at www.go.osu.edu/calendardogs. I will also send this info to our current 4-H dog show judges, as well as post it on the Ohio 4-H Dog Program Facebook page.

If you are interested in learning more about how 4-H dog shows are judged and rule information, you are welcome to complete a registration form and attend. We will also take a limited number of 4-H volunteers not interested in judging, but who want to learn the mechanics of judging to better help their 4-H club members. Please pass this info on to dog project volunteers you feel would benefit.

For questions about sending 4-H volunteers not interested in being listed as judges, or general for questions, please contact me at miller.78@osu.edu. Current and potential dog judges with questions about the seminar may also contact Barb Cline, State 4-H Dog Advisory Committee Chair at tricolorcollies@aol.com.



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