2018 Buckeye Leadership Workshop

Soon, but not yet, the online registration for Buckeye Leadership Workshop (BLW) will open on or before October 15. The workshop is held at Recreation Unlimited near Ashley, Ohio in Delaware County April 4 – 8, 2018. This is the 74th year for BLW, and promises to be better than ever.  Visit: http://buckeyeleadership.com/blw – 2018 – sessions/ to see a description of morning and  afternoon sessions. Each session is two hours long and runs for four days allowing – workshoppers to delve deeply into a subject matter and have fun learning. Camp counselors and other types of leaders (young and old) can benefit by spending time with a wide range of people and backgrounds. Ages range from 15 (or a freshman in high school) through those in their 80s and 90s.  Partial scholarships are available through the BLW website: www.buckeyeleadershipworkshop.com.  By the scholarship deadline of January 5, 2018, register, pay a $100.00 deposit and provide two online references to secure a spot. Some county 4-H programs offer additional financial help through their 4-H committees. Please check with your Extension office if you are involved in 4-H as a youth or adult.
– Larry

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