Mirroring without Over-Sharing (tips for iOS and Mac)

The new Digital Union location in Stillman Hall has a wireless display setup so you can deliver your content seamlessly by mirroring your laptop, tablet, even your smartphone. No more rushing out of the office, packing up your equipment, worrying about dongles and adapters and doo-hickys so everything connects.

Mirroring is often preferred over using a room’s pre-installed hardware, because it better preserves your formatting. Here are a couple of tips for presenting from your own device:

1. Presenting only your presentation:

Everything is synced these days. Applications are designed to be readily available to you. Desktop popups let you know there’s a message to respond to, a task delivered, a phone call to return. Mobile notifications send coupons you just can’t miss, meeting reminders, a friend in your vicinity, you name it.

These alerts, when managed selectively, can be helpful.








During a presentation, they can be annoying. Even weird, depending on the situation.









For this reason, Do Not Disturb is your friend.

It’s the moon icon on your iOS device. Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to activate and deactivate.

















On your laptop, go to Notifications under System Preferences or through your menu bar’s Notification Center.


My default was set to Do Not Disturb when mirroring to TVs and projectors.









2. Protecting your password:

Now you’re presenting, completely on your game. Say you’re presenting from your iPhone.








Someone asks a great question to which you respond thoroughly and intelligently. It takes a minute, and your device goes to sleep.












What to do? Politely ask everyone to look away? Type in your password quickly, hoping no one is paying much attention?







I wouldn’t recommend it. Instead, you can swipe up and access the Control Center to turn off AirPlay before entering your password.









Of course, if you prep ahead of time, you can change your settings so it takes longer to fall asleep in the first place. But this is a good feature to know, just in case.

Have you ever over-shared when mirroring for a presentation? Do tell.

Happy presenting!