Ready for “M”ovember? Buckeyes4PH needs you!


Ohio State has a new student organization known as Buckeyes for Public Health as of October, and they are kicking off their second month with a men’s health awareness activity known as Movember, as part of the international men’s health charity of the same name. 

The kicker is that they are encouraging men to join a one month campaign of mustache growing. 

For real. 

They are shaving guys at the RPAC this evening, then asking them to post pictures every day as they grow a mustache.  As they chronicle their facial hair progress, viewers are asked to make donations in support.  Funds collected are passed on to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Livestrong.

If you are interested in more information, visit the Buckeyes4PH and Movember sites.  The kickoff “Shave Down”  event is scheduled for Nov. 1, 2012, 5:30-9:00 p.m., at the Ohio State Recreational and Physical Activity Center (RPAC) Amphitheater. 

You can also view the Mo gallery at

Of course, if you have questions about men’s health, come visit us at Student Health Services.  We will be happy to assist you.


Roger Miller, MD  (OSU Student Health Services)