Mask Up: Process

1. Research

When the project was introduced, I searched up some pandemics in the history and how people react to it during that time. The first mask came to my mind was plague doctors’ mask. Their costume perfectly shows how they interpret the pandemic and interact with others based on little understanding of virus.

The circumstance was similar as today, but technologies become better, and people have more accessibility to medical protection. As we are living during pandemic era, mask gradually have different meaning to people than before. People who only have epidemic disease or deadly disease would wear mask, but now everyone wears mask to protect themselves and others. Since we wear mask every day, it becomes as necessary as clothing which share same traits.

So mask have two main function: protection and expression of ourselves.

From protection perspective, we got inspiration from nature world: animals. Every animal has their own way to protect themselves. Some are more aggressive, having a horn to fight and scare away others. Some protect themselves in a more protective way. Mother nature itself has gifted animals such as hedgehogs and porcupines with spikes so that they could scare off any creature that wishes to harm them. This mechanism also applies to human as well. We decided communication with ourselves and others through mask and how we protect ourselves as the main goal.

Mind map


After we have more understanding of mask, me and my partner built a mask roughly and express the ideas by making and have a taste of it. I was trying to build an armor texture to show the protective attitude to others, meanwhile protect my own body.

2. Iteration

I made many quick iterations on sketchbook.

I was more interested in making armor texture on mask which has protective trait and also could warn others at the same time. So I started to experiment how to create texture by using paper. The origami method is searched from the internet.

It created the armor texture successfully, but there are not many possibilities with it, even I tried different sizes and angles. It certainly shows the protection for the wearer, but the message that keeps others away is not strong enough. So, I started to try different folding technique and explore more possibilities with arrangement of units since armor also consist of many individual units.


I made a composition composed by triangle base pyramids. However, the composition doesn’t cover the surface without having gaps between units. And then, one day, I noticed the texture of manhole cover on the ground and got inspiration from it.

The rhombus shaped pyramid has protective trait texture and not being too aggressive. I arranged the different skewed units repeatedly, so the spike is gradually pointing downward, creating a great balance.

3. Concept Statement

During the initial outbreak of the Coronavirus in March of 2020, people started realizing the changing reality of their day-to-day lives. Because of the pandemic, we have to wear masks when we go out for safety, so masks became very important accessories. The mask becomes part of our daily outfit, just like clothes. It can express our personality as well. The chosen mask is an expression of attitude and personality and communicates with others nonverbally.
Two college students, Mark and Danny, both design foundation students, are in the same social circle. One day, one of their friends was throwing a party at his house. Having never been to this friend’s house, both Mark and Danny were worried about the party being too crowded. Additionally, both have family members they interact with regularly who have compromised immune systems, leaving them more at risk for coronavirus complications. Having discussed the possible consequences, both Mark and Danny decided to go to the party, but they had a plan on how to promote social distancing, at least in their direct vicinity.
Both students planned on wearing masks to the party, but the mask each chose varied. Danny was aloof and decided to wear a mask that resembled armor to show that he was very attentive to the personal space and didn’t want random people to disrupt it easily. This passive approach does not frighten familiar people into staying away. Rather, like armor from the medieval period, the mask protects its user from harmful bacteria and unidentified people, while promoting a curious nature from peers.
Mark had a slightly different attitude toward the party, hoping to see his friends, but not wanting to be around a lot of people. He decided to wear a mask that resembled a combination of a wild mythical beast, incorporating horns and animal-like characteristics, and a warrior, having armor-like textures that appear weathered. The stand-off nature of the mask encourages people to back away from the individual wearing it, unaware of how the individual will respond to crowding. This outward approach promotes a sense of isolation, and more protection from the crowd.

4. Production

Due to experience of making template for 3-d model last year, it took a lot of time and measurement. I was trying to find a way that could make the process more efficiently. I found out there is a software that could convert 3-D model into template instantly. I learned and used Blender to create 3-D model by watching YouTube tutorial videos. I also use blender to experiment composition while it has a more intuitive feeling.

The mask is also created by blender.

Paper template:


The template was scored out by Circut.

The final mask is all using white Bristol.

I was trying use a chain composed of multiple units as the band, but it didn’t really work out.  It’s hard to put on and doesn’t stay still.

Instead, I used bands from medical mask.

The final design challenge is that the outer side of the mask feels a little empty. I tried different composition on it by placing the paper units on the surface and see what feels like. However, there is no composition harmonize with the front sides. It would break the harmony of the whole mask, so I decided to leave it blank.

Final Production

5. Link to Portfolio Project