Keynote Speaker: Gina Anne Tam 譚吉娜

The 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects. Keynote Speaker 2Professor Gina Anne Tam

Date: December 1st, 2023
Time: 7:00 PM EST
Venue: Virtual event via Zoom, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Professor Gina Anne Tam
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas

Title of Talk: “Re-imagining language communities beyond the nation-state: The past, present and future of Yue fangyan”

Abstract: Today, Yue fangyan are spoken widely, comprising tens of millions of speakers in the Sinophone world and around the world. Yet despite their ubiquity and prominence, they are, including standard Cantonese, normally categorized not as languages, but as “dialects,” devalued as subsidiary in form and significance to the Chinese national language, Mandarin. In this talk, Gina Anne Tam will discuss how the status and significance of Yue fangyan changed with the introduction of national languages both within China and outside of it, and how today, Yue speakers are challenging the hierarchy inherent to the national language model and helping us imagine a different way of conceiving of the relationship between language, identity, and community.

Short Bio: Gina Anne Tam is an Associate Professor of Modern Chinese History, the co-director of Women and Gender Studies at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, a Public Intellectual Fellow at the National Committee on US-China Relations and a Wilson China Fellow. She received her Ph.D. at Stanford University in 2016. Her first book, Dialect and Nationalism in China, 1860-1960 (Cambridge UP, 2020), winner of the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians Best Book Prize, explores the relationship between language and national identity from the late Qing dynasty through the height of the Maoist period. In addition, her research and commentary has appeared in several venues. She has published several peer-reviewed articles in publications such as Twentieth-Century China and Comparative Studies in Society and History, has appeared live on BBC and France 24, and has written for mainstream publications such as Foreign Affairs, and The Nation. She is currently writing a book about women and activism in post-war Hong Kong.


時間:08:00 HKT
地點:線上形式, 經由俄亥俄州立大學的Zoom視像舉行。




講者簡介:譚吉娜是美國德州三一大學的中國現代史副教授以及婦女與性別研究項目主任。 她2016年於美國史丹佛大學獲博士學位。 其著作《中國的方言與民族主義,1860-1960》(劍橋大學出版社,2020 年)探討了從清末到毛澤東時期中國語言與民族主義之間的關係。此書榮獲 2020年度 Berkshire Conference of Women Historians 最佳圖書獎。 她的學術文章也曾在Comparative Studies in Society and History 和 Twentieth-Century China 發表,此外她在 Foreign Affairs、The Nation、 BBC, France 24 等媒體發表評論。 她正籌備一本探討二戰後香港婦女參與社會運動的歷史的書籍。