My First Semester at OSU

As my first semester at the Ohio State University is reaching its end, I look back and just see how far I have come since I first stepped foot on campus back in August. It has certainly been a journey of continual adjustment and adapting, but surprisingly, it did not take long for me to start referring to OSU as home, because the students and faculty members here have been so welcoming to new buckeyes since the first day. Thinking back, most of my fears about college seemed to have resolved themselves over the course of time. Though I am not fully sure about what I want to be in the future, I am starting to accept the fact that this feeling of uncertainty is a mutual sentiment that many other students share, and that it is natural to feel unsure. Admittedly the academics have proved to be a challenge, and I am still learning how to ask for help; but I know it is a matter of new mindset I have to adopt and work towards. Although the abundance of support available on campus can be overwhelming to a point where I do not even know where to start at time, I am still grateful for those opportunities.

I did not have a lot of strong anticipations for the Humanities Scholars program at first, but I do feel that I got more out of my first semester experience than I expected. Humanities Scholars has introduced me to a group of people who all come from diverse backgrounds, and each person contributes their own uniqueness to the program’s dynamics. My first semester experience has propelled me to have a deeper appreciation for Humanities in general, and made me realize that it’s the people who mold the community into what it is. Therefore, I hope that in my next semester, I will be able to get to know more of the Humanities Scholars better and actively participate in more activities that are offered to the program exclusively.

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