Humans of OSU


“I was born in Cincinnati; my mom came to the states from Iran when she was around twelve, and my dad came when he was about thirty-they had an arranged marriage. I have a younger brother who is sixteen and in high school…and I have a pet dog! My grandparents-I’m very blessed to have all four of them-are all U.S. citizens, and they’ll be coming to visit from Iran next summer. I’m really excited about this, because I haven’t seen them in ten years.”

“My family is really, really important to me and really close. I make a lot of phone calls to both of my parents every day. Like multiple calls. I probably call each of them two times a day, which is a little odd for some people. And my dad visits the campus a lot. They’re just very important to me and a part of who I am! The Iranian culture itself is very rich-as far as our literature, our language, and our cultures-and it’s something I’m really proud of that has had a big impact on my life. I went home this weekend, and I brought some Persian food back with me, because you just gotta have some. And this college transition has made me appreciate it even more, because I’ll have my hot tea from home with me here which I can’t go without, you know? I joined the Iranian Culture Association which has helped me connect with other Iranians at OSU. It’s really cool to be able to speak the language, learn, share, and celebrate different holidays with other. [The culture] is just a big part of who I am.”