Participate in a Study to Identify Major Barriers to Precision Agriculture Technology Adoption

By:  John Fulton, Elizabeth Hawkins, Amanda Douridas, Hanna Bond

The Ohio State University Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FABE) is looking for farmers, consultants, and other individuals who work alongside farmers to participate in a survey aimed at identifying major barriers that row crop farmers, consultants, and other personnel involved in crop production face when adopting precision agriculture technologies. Eligible participants must have row cropping operations in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas or preform consulting tasks or other tasks for famers who have row crop operations within the states stated above. Continue reading Participate in a Study to Identify Major Barriers to Precision Agriculture Technology Adoption

Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey 2021-22

Agricultural professionals with a knowledge of Ohio’s cropland values and rental rates are invited to complete the 2021-22 Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey by April 30, 2022. This may include rural appraisers, agricultural lenders, professional farm managers, ag business professionals, farmers, landowners, and Farm Service Agency personnel. Your thoughts and responses are greatly appreciated.

Complete the survey online at or you may complete the survey by downloading it using the link below, scanning, and e-mailing the completed survey back to Continue reading Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey 2021-22

Application Deadline for OSU Extension Water Quality Associate is April 30

Who We Are
As Water Quality Associates, we have the unique opportunity to work with farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin to implement different management strategies to decrease nutrient loads leaving their fields. Our focus is to facilitate relationships between farmers, the University, external stakeholders, and partners to reach water quality goals. Continue reading Application Deadline for OSU Extension Water Quality Associate is April 30

eFields Partnering with Growers to Evaluate Xyway™ Fungicide

Northern corn leaf blight symptoms

By:  Stephanie Karhoff

Preventing significant yield losses from disease is likely on the forefront of growers’ minds following the 2021 growing season. A new product in our disease management toolbox is FMC’s fungicide Xyway™ LFR®. OSU Extension eFields program is partnering with growers to conduct on-farm trials evaluating the effect of an at-plant soil application of flutriafol (Xyway) on corn health and yield. Information from this trial will be used to improve corn disease management recommendations for growers throughout the state. Continue reading eFields Partnering with Growers to Evaluate Xyway™ Fungicide

When the Rain Won’t Let Up

By:  Bridget Britton, Behavioral Field Specialist

Each morning when waking up recently it feels as though we look out the window and it is either raining or has rained overnight. Farmers are natural meteorologists and are in tune with what is going on with the weather any given hour of the day.

According to Aaron Wilson, Ohio State University Extension climatologist, there has been measurable rainfall all but 3 days so far in the month of April. Wet weather and planting delays are sources of additional stress. Though we can’t know for sure when the fields will dry up enough to plant, there are things you can do to keep some of the stress from overwhelming you. Continue reading When the Rain Won’t Let Up

Ohio Farmers Invited to Participate in Multi-State On-Farm Research Survey

By:  Osler Ortez

Photo by Aaron Hird, USDA/NRCS

A working group from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kansas State University, and The Ohio State University have partnered to conduct a multi-state assessment of farmers’ approaches to on-farm research, including its importance and motives to participate.

Understanding farmers’ perceptions of on-farm research will be vital for the long-term success of initiatives that promote agronomic research on field scales. The information will also be critical in helping to shape future extension programming efforts. The survey will close on May 23rd and it is open for responses before that date. The survey is short, and it should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Your information/responses are voluntary and will be recorded anonymously.

Access the survey here: Continue reading Ohio Farmers Invited to Participate in Multi-State On-Farm Research Survey

Mixing it Up (in the hay field or pasture!)

By:  Haley Zynda

A mixed stand of forage offers several benefits!

Pastures are really greening up in this area of Ohio and producers are antsy to turn livestock out to enjoy the lush greenery. Winter annual weeds are still thriving, patiently waiting for their summer counterparts to start germinating. Perhaps you also frost-seeded clover into pastures to improve feed quality and to cut down on nitrogen applications. If that’s the case, weed control this year will be a different story. Continue reading Mixing it Up (in the hay field or pasture!)

Why Should You Calibrate Your Sprayer Even If it has a Rate Controller?

By:  Erdal Ozkan

Whenever I give a presentation about the need to calibrate a sprayer and how to do it, there is always someone asking me this same question: “I have a rate controller in the cab that regulates the flow rate of the sprayer regardless of the changes in sprayer ground speed. I just enter the gallons per acre application rate, and the controller does the rest, just like a cruise control in a car. So, should I still calibrate the sprayer? The answer is, Yes, a calibration should be done. Although the rate controllers do an excellent job with regulating the flow rate of nozzles to keep the application rate constant regardless of the changes in travel speed, a manual calibration at least once a year is needed for two reasons: 1) to ensure the rate controller is functioning properly, 2) the rate controller is not forced to operate outside the pressure operating range for the nozzles on the sprayer boom. Let me elaborate on both points I made and share with you the reasons why a manual calibration of a sprayer is a good idea. Continue reading Why Should You Calibrate Your Sprayer Even If it has a Rate Controller?

Northwest Ohio Gardening Day

Join OSU Extension Henry County and the Henry County Master Gardeners for the first-ever Northwest Ohio Gardening Day on Friday, April 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Henry County Fairgrounds (821 S. Perry St., Napoleon, OH 43545). This event will be filled with many gardening topics, speakers, and hands-on demonstrations to help get your garden growing and looking great! Lunch will be provided as well as take-home materials.

Continue reading Northwest Ohio Gardening Day

Pond Clinic Scheduled for April 19

Need help managing your pond? Would you like to improve it, but don’t know how? Then plan to attend a Pond Clinic on Tuesday, April 19, at the Williams SWCD office. Program will start at 5:00 p.m. with a hot dog roast. The keynote speaker will be Mike Wilkerson from the ODNR Fisheries Management Division. Other speakers include Melanie Haines of Superior Farm Supply, Don Kimpel of Edon Farmer’s Co-op, and Stephanie Karhoff of OSU Extension Williams County. Topics covered will include will overall pond management, diagnosing pond issues, weed identification, pond aerators, and pond chemical application.

The Pond Clinic is sponsored by the Williams Soil & Water Conservation District and OSU Extension Williams County. It will be held at the Williams SWCD office at 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier. There is no cost to attend, but reservations are requested by contacting the Williams SWCD at 419-636-9395 by April 18. The Williams SWCD, OSU, ODA are an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.