The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Figure 1. Corn seedling where emergence was impeded by soil crusting.

Corn Replant Decisions

By:  Alexander Lindsey As the weather has turned warm this past week, many of our fields planted in April/early May should be emerged or be in the process of emerging. Cool temperatures paired with rain over the last few weeks…

Office Closed on May 31 in Observance of Memorial Day

Office Closed on May 31 in Observance of Memorial Day

Thank you to all veterans and military families for your service to our country! In observance of Memorial Day, our office will be closed Monday, May 31

One Question Could Save Someone’s Life

One Question Could Save Someone’s Life

By:  Bridget Britton, Extension Field Specialist, Behavioral Health The month of May helps us to be aware that warm weather is inching toward Ohio, it is also Mental Health Awareness month. May is a time to help us gain awareness and understanding of persons…

Comparison of Total GDD Accumulation from May 1 to May 25 in Williams County

GDD Accumulation Rebounds in May

By:  Stephanie Karhoff Growing degree day (GDD) accumulation for the month of May rebounded after a week of above normal temperatures. In Williams County, 278 GDD were accumulated from May 1 to May 25, compared to 189 GDD in 2020….