Upcoming In-Person Opportunities to Recertify Fertilizer Applicator Certificate or Private Pesticide Applicator License
If you still need to recertify your Fertilizer Applicator Certificate or Private Pesticide Applicator License, there are two upcoming local, in-person opportunities to do so.
OSU Extension Paulding County will be hosting a re-certification meeting on Tuesday, April 6 at the Paulding County Fairgrounds (503 Fairground Drive, Paulding). Fertilizer re-certification (Category 15) will be offered from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. and pesticide recertification (CORE and Categories 1-7) will be offered from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required by calling 419-399-8225.
OSU Extension Henry County will also be hosting a re-certification meeting on Thursday, April 8 at the Northwest State Community College (22600 SR 34, Archbold) in Room E1101B (enter door A10 for check-in). Fertilizer re-certification (Category 15) will be offered from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and pesticide recertification (CORE and Categories 1-7) will be offered from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Pre-registration is required by April 6 at 419-592-0806 or go.osu.edu/henry_pat_2021.
Cost: Fertilizer re-certification education training is $10 and pesticide is $35 ($45 for both). Payment methods may differ at events. Please note, the educational class fee is a different, separate fee from the $30 ODA renewal fee that is paid every three years to keep your current license/certificate.
Online recertification opportunities may be found at pested.osu.edu