Looking for soybean fields with late season waterhemp
By: Mark Loux OSU weed scientists and ag engineers are looking for soybean fields that have populations of waterhemp or Palmer amaranth surviving into July and August (after all control with herbicides has been attempted). We have a project involving…
Ohio Department of Agriculture Partners with OSU Extension to Provide Online Pesticide Recertification Opportunities
REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio (June 29, 2020) – During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), is partnering with the Ohio State University Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) to temporarily provide online recertification for pesticide applicators and fertilizer certificate…
Tri-State Precision Ag Webinar Recording Now Available
If you could not attend the Tri-State Precision Ag Webinar on June 23, 2020 you can now view the entire webinar online at go.osu.edu/TriStatePrecisionAg.
Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Begins in Williams County
By: Stephanie Karhoff Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) moth pheromone traps were placed at the edge of corn fields throughout the county last week. This year, there are a total of three traps in the county. For the first week of…
Cover Crop Considerations After Wheat
By: Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension AgNR Educator, Crawford County (originally published in The Ohio Farmer) Wheat provides many additional opportunities for your operation. These options include drainage improvements, weed-control timing, double-crop soybeans, double-crop forages, compaction mitigation, and soil building through cover…