No Cookie-Cutter Solution to Farm Transition
By: Stephanie Karhoff Ask yourself this question – is your farming operation identical to your neighbor’s? The answer of course, is no. No two farms are alike, and for this reason there is no cookie-cutter approach to transition planning. Instead,…

Help OSU Extension Document the Yield Impacts of the 2019 Planting Delays
By: CFAES Ag Crisis Taskforce Normal planting dates for Ohio range from mid-April to the end of May. This season was quite different when planting for both crops was delayed until late May and stretched into June and even July…

Buying Hay; Consider Quality and Value
By: Garth Ruff, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, OSU Henry County Extension As 2018 was a lousy year for making dry hay across the state, 2019 wasn’t much better or perhaps worse yet. For those who have to purchase…