Over 60,000 Prevented Planting Acres in Williams County
By: Stephanie Karhoff
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a report yesterday (August 12th) disclosing the number of prevented planting acres reported to the Farm Service Agency (FSA).Countrywide, there were 19.4 million acres that went unplanted this year. Ohio had 1,485,919 prevented planting acres.
In Williams County specifically, there were 60,373 prevented planting acres (9th highest county). Of these, 31,298 acres were soybeans, and 29,074 were corn. There were 638 failed acres of winter wheat, and 117 failed acres of alfalfa (both irrigated and non-irrigated).
From USDA-FSA News Release:
This data report aggregates information from crop acreage reports as of August 1, 2019, which producers file with FSA to maintain program eligibility and to calculate losses for various disaster assistance programs. The crop acreage data report outlines the number of acres planted, prevented from planting, and failed by crop, county and state. To find more information, view the Aug. 12 report.
Because some producers have not completed their filing and data are still being processed, FSA will make available subsequent data reports in September, October, November, December and January. You can find reports from 2007 to the present on FSA’s Crop Acreage Data webpage.
To receive FSA program benefits, producers are required to submit crop acreage reports annually regarding all cropland uses on their farm. This report includes data for producers who had already filed for all deadlines in 2019, including the mid-July deadlines, which are for spring-seeded crops in many locations.