Hi! I attended the “Prepping For a Career Fair Virtually” information session on September 3, 2020, at 5pm as Professional Development Event. What attracted me to this event was that I want to be more prepared for the Science Career Fair on October 6th. The career fairs this year are so different from last year was a result of Covid-19. This information session prepared me for the expected changes and taught me how to still be engaging through a video conference. Some advice Barbara Harvey gave us was to establish your purpose for attending the career fair. Then, register for actual fair, draft your resume, and sign-up for individual/group sessions with companies. On the actual day of the fair, it is important to maintain eye contact, be engaging, have an elevator speech, and have a question on hand. Lastly, she said that the most important step is to follow up with the employers within 48 hours. All of these tips are extremely helpful in planning for the Science Career Fair, and I look forward to using each one soon!