
I am currently in the FABE program at The Ohio State University and expect to graduate in December of 2020. FABE stands for Food, Agricultural, Biological, and Ecological Engineering, and I am specializing in biological. I am enrolled in the program as it provides the groundwork for the type of work I think I would like to do in either the biological or food processing industry and also provides heavy work in mechanical and electrical systems as well. I believe this engineering major provides the best variety out of all the majors OSU offers.

The most important things I have learned at OSU are how to use software’s such as MATLAB, Simulink, Stella Architect, and SolidWorks as well as engineering ethics and economics to help understand the consequences of certain projects both socially and monetarily.

With my education I want to get a chance to improve peoples lives, whether that be modifying certain foods for better health, making machines more efficient to save people money, or anything else I can be useful in.