
  1. Fink, C., Wang, H., Alexandrov,  B.T. and Penso, J. (2020): Filler Metal 16-8-2 for Structural Welds on 304H and 347H Stainless Steels for High-Temperature Service, Welding Journal, 99(12), pp 312-s-322s. doi: 10.29391/2020.99.029.
  2. Li, C.-H., Shao, M., Fink, C., Lippold, J. C. and Jinschek, J. (2020): Identification of interdendritic phases in Ni-30Cr weld metal with additions of tantalum and molybdenum using electron diffraction pattern and high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy image analysis, Materials Characterization, 167 (110460). doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2020.110460. 
  3. Lu, Y.; Sage, D.D.; Fink, C.; Zhang, W. (2020): Dissimilar metal joining of aluminium to zinc-coated steel by ultrasonic plus resistance spot welding–microstructure and mechanical properties, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, pages 1-10, Published online: Septemper 18, 2019, doi: 10.1080/13621718.2019.1667051.
  4. Martin, A. C.; Oliveira, J.P.; Fink, C. (2020): Elemental Effects on Weld Cracking Susceptibility in AlxCoCrCuyFeNi High-Entropy Alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51 (2), pp. 778-787, doi: 10.1007/s11661-019-05564-8, Online Access (pdf).
  5. Martin, A. C.; Fink, C. (2019): Initial Weldability Study on Al0.5CrCoCu0.1FeNi High Entropy Alloy, Welding in the World, 63(3), 739-750, doi:10.1007/s40194-019-00702-7.
  6. Orr, M.; Fink, C.; Lippold, J.C.; Argentine, F. (2018): Effect of Nitrogen on Solidification Cracking in ERNiCr-3 Weld Metal, Welding Journal, 97 (08), pages 243s-252s, doi:10.29391/2018.97.021.
  7. Li, C.-H.; Shao, M.; Jinschek, J.; Fink, C.; Lippold, J.C. (2018): TEM investigations on eutectic phase formation in Ni-30Cr filler metal 52XL, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 24, Supplement S1 (Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis 2018), August 2018, pages 42-43, doi:10.1017/S1431927618000703.
  8. Fink, C.; Alexandrov, B. (2017): Effect of post-weld heat treatment on fusion boundary microstructure in dissimilar metal welds for subsea service, Materials Testing, 59 (6), pages 547-554, doi:10.3139/120.111039.
  9. Fink, C.; Hope, A.; Lippold, J. C.; McCracken, S. (2017): Elevated temperature cracking resistance of Ta-Bearing high Chromium Ni-base filler metals, ASME 2017 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Volume 6B: Materials and Fabrication, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, July 16-20, Paper No. PVP2017-66130, pp. V06BT06A029, 6 pages, doi:10.1115/PVP2017-66130.
  10. Hope, A.T.; Chen, H.L.; Oliveira, J.P.; Fink, C. (2017): Solidification and homogenization modeling of high entropy alloys, Heat Treat 2017, ASM International, Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 24-26.
  11. Fink, C.; Lippold, J.C.; Hope, A.T.; McCracken, S. (2017): A Computational Study on Elemental Effects on Solidification Behaviour of Ta-Modified High Chromium Ni-Base Alloys, 70th IIW Annual Assembly, Shanghai, China, July 2017, IIW Document IX-2616-17, 10 pages.
  12. Fink, C. (2016): An investigation on ductility-dip cracking in the base metal heat-affected zone of wrought nickel base alloys – Part I: Metallurgical effects and cracking mechanism, Welding in the World, 60 (5), pages 939-950, doi:10.1007/s40194-016-0370-4.
  13. Fink, ;  Zinke,  M.;  Jüttner,  S. (2016):  An  investigation  on  ductility-dip  cracking  in  the  base  metal  heat-affected zone of wrought nickel base alloys – Part II: Correlation of PVR and STF results, Welding in the World, vol. 60, no. 5, pages 951-961, doi:10.1007/s40194-016-0352-6.
  14. Fink, C.; Zinke, M.; Jüttner, S. (2016): Weldability of Cast and Wrought Nickel Base Alloys 59, 617 and 625, In: Boellinghaus T., Lippold J., Cross C. (eds) Cracking Phenomena in Welds IV, Springer, Berlin, pages 305-325, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28434-7_15.
  15. Fink,  C.;  Zinke,  M. (2015):  Untersuchungen  zur  Schweißeignung  und  schweißtechnischen  Verarbeitung  von  Nickel-Sandform- und -Schleudergusslegierungen, Schweißen und Schneiden, 67 (4), pages 168-172 (in German).
  16. Fink, C.; Zinke, M.; Jüttner, S. (2015): Ductility-dip cracking in the base metal HAZ of nickel base alloys – Correlation of PVR and STF results, 68th IIW Annual Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, July 2015, IIW Document II-1955-15 (II-A-301-15), 15 pages.
  17. Sudy, M.; Fink, C.; Zinke, M. (2014): Beurteilung der Heißrissneigung von Ni-Basis-Guss- and Knetmaterial im Heißzugversuch an der Gleeble, DVS Congress 2014, Berlin, September 2014, DVS-Berichte 306, pages 106-111 (in German).
  18. Fink, C.; Zinke, M. (2014): Ductility-dip cracking in the base metal heat-affected zone of wrought nickel base alloys, 67th IIW Annual Assembly, Seoul, South Korea, July 2014, IIW Document II-1892-14 (II-A-279-14), 14 pages.
  19. Fink, C.; Zinke, M. (2013): Welding of nickel-based alloy 617 using modified dip arc processes, Welding in the World, 57 (3), pages 323-333, doi:10.1007/s40194-013-0034-6.
  20. Fink, C.; Zinke, M. (2013): MSG-Schweißen heißrissempfindlicher Nickelbasislegierungen mittels modifizierter Kurzlichtbogenprozesse, Schweißen und Schneiden, 65 (6), pages 332-336 (in German).
  21. Stein, K.; Schlosser, B.; Fink, C.; Keil, D.; Zinke, M. (2013): Entwicklung einer Prüfmethodik zur Bestimmung der Anfälligkeit gegenüber Ductility-Dip Cracking (DDC) mittels Gleeble, DVS Congress 2012, Saarbrücken, DVS-Berichte 286, pages 26-32 (in German).
  22. Fink, C.; Keil, D.; Zinke, M. (2012): Evaluation of hot cracking susceptibility of nickel-based alloys by the PVR test, Welding in the World, 56 (7/8), pages 37-43, doi:10.1007/BF03321363.
  23. Fink, C.; Zinke, M. (2011): Beitrag zum wärmereduzierten MAG-Schweißen heißrissempfindlicher Nickelbasislegierungen, 31. Assistentenseminar Füge- und Schweißtechnik, DVS Berichte, Band 270, pages 113-119 (in German).
  24. Fink, C.; Zinke, M.; Keil, D. (2011): Bewertung der Heißrissneigung verschiedener Fe- und Ni-Basiswerkstoffe, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2011, Studentenkongress, DVS Berichte, Band  275, pages 147-152 (in German).
  25. Fink, C.; Zinke, M.; Keil, D.; Pries, H. (2010): Untersuchungen an neuartigen F-Mn-Stählen mit TWIP-Effekt mittels thermomechanischer Zyklen, 30. Assistentenseminar Füge- und Schweißtechnik, DVS Berichte, Band 268, pages 95-99 (in German).
  26. Fink, C.; Zinke, M.; Keil, D.; Pries, H. (2009): Simulation thermo-mechanischer Zyklen an neuartigen FeMn-Stählen mit TWIP-Effekt, Die VerbindungsSpezialisten 2009 : Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Berichte, Band 258, pages 187-192 (in German).