
About online class

Through the study of ESETEC 2011, I learned more about online classes and learned a lot of useful tools and skills in the online class. Before I took this class, I think face-to-face class better than online class, because I don’t really know how to use the resources provided by Carmen and other software. I also deeply remember that one of the assignments was to let us solve the problem of Saray after the class started, but I think her problem is my problem. I didn’t know how to ask questions online before, because I don’t know what way to ask; but I now know that discussion is a good platform for asking questions. In the discussion, many students will answer the questions in time. Emailing a professor or instructor is also a very good option. Secondly, it is very convenient for some students to take online classes, because many online courses will not limit the time and place, and the teaching materials of the post can be viewed repeatedly, so the online class can make me learn better.

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set a goal

Setting goals is very important in everyday life. Through this half-semester study, I think that setting an effective and feasible goal is to emphasize the method. Here I have some methods to share with you. First of all, before setting goals, we need to know what the purpose of this matter is. Then start setting the target. Method one, set goals, and give yourself some rewards when you are done. Method two, we must learn to set the goal of “smart”. This can be achieved from the following aspects, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound. Third, Make an Action Plan. In this action plan, you can draw in the way you like, and do it according to your own habits. Finally, Stick With It! Persistence is victory. It is very helpful for me to set goals through the above methods while studying or at work. I hope this will help everyone.

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Online Reading

Online reading is very important for most college students. But there are still a lot of students who don’t make good use of online reading. When I first started to read online, I also thought that online reading is not very convenient compared to ordinary offline reading. But when I was skilled at using some related software, I found that the speed and efficiency of my online reading have greatly improved. I am here to introduce you to a software that I think is very easy to use – “Notability”. The software is very rich in features, and it can easily upload some of the teacher’s post online content into the software, so that many notes can be completed directly in the vicinity of the reading content. And there are many kinds of pens in the software, and there are many kinds of colors. This will make it easier for us to take notes.


About me

Hi,everyone! My name is Kexin Wei, and you can call me Sabrina Wei. I am 19 years old. This is my second year on the OSU. I come from Henan Zhengzhou, China. Maybe you have never heard of my hometown because it is in the middle of China. My major is economics. About my interests, I like going shopping or traveling during my free time. I also like makeup. I don’t usually like to stay at home. I am not very satisfied with my technology. There are many times when I don’t know what to do.